

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

In Spain we have so many products , recipes, famous chefs, and restaurants that you can found almost everything that you can imagine, so it´s impossible to reduce all this things into one idea.One of the biggest mistakes about spanish food is the extended idea SPAIN=PAELLA..............西班牙有著无数的产品、各式的食谱及、菜色、有名的主厨跟餐厅,几乎是你想得到的东西都有,所以其实很难将为数众多的东西以一个概念做表达。

事实上,西班牙菜有个极大的错误认知,那就是大家都以为西班牙=西班牙海鲜饭....The spanish food is full of delights, specially the modern spanish food, but you gotta understand that our philosophy is to use the classical spanish recipes to improve them and transform into modern cuisine. There´s some esencial points on this philosophy: 西班牙菜是充满欢乐的,特别是以现代摩登的西班牙菜而言,但是在这之前,您可能必需先了解我们的烹饪理念-运用传统西班牙菜,并加以改进,使其变为现代摩登菜肴。

以下为者个理念的几个重点观念:-1) RESPECT ABOUT THE INGREDIENTS 尊重食材636f7079e799bee5baa631333238653939 :the chef will choose himself the ingredients daily looking for the quality, no matter the price. Cook those ingredients trying to keep all the natural taste of it(NEVER OVERCOOK), so reduce the cooking time. 各个厨师会每天寻找他所要用的食材,不论价格,要求品质。在烹调这些食材时,尽量保留他本身天然的原味(绝不过於烹调),因此,缩短了烹调的时间。

-2) INNOVATION 改革创新: never refuse to use the new technics if we can improve the final result, as well do not abuse of this technics if we don´t need, sometimes the best way is the easyest one.若可改善成品,绝不要抗拒使用新的技术,只要不要在我们不需要时滥用这些技术,其实有时候最的好的方式就是最简单的那一个。-3) REDUCE THE FAT 降低油脂: try to use the esence of each product as a sauce, reducing the use of fats as cream or butter.尽量利用其食材本身的水份,并浓缩其油脂的成份作为鲜奶油或是奶油使用。

-4) USE THE TRADITIONAL RECIPES AS A SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE 传统食谱是相关知识的来源: those recipes that keep being on our tables for centuries gotta have something good, so try to use them to improve and get a better result with the new equipment and technics. 流传几世纪的某些菜色到现在仍在可在餐厅中出现,那表示一定有某些地方是好的,所以利用这些菜,并运用现代的科技与技术加以改进以求更好的成果。

-5) THE MAIN INGREDIENT GOTTA BE THE STAR 突显主食材 : stop using a sauce to mask a main product, if we follow the point 1, the quality gotta be the best one, so we don´t need to use nothing to mask this product, the things we use as garnish gotta have the function to join the main ingredient and upgrade it.别再用一些酱汁将主食材盖住了!如果我们遵循第一点,食材的品质就一定会是最好的,所以我们不必再用任何东西覆盖这个东西。

我们用以当盘饰的东西,它的作用是要能搭配主食材,并且能将其层次。- 6) MARKET SEASONAL FOOD 市场当季食材 : the ingredients change during the year, for example a crab on summer wont be on it´s perfect season to eat, but the tuna will be fantastic. The menus we offer gotta rotate as the seasonal products. At least 4 different menus during one year.食材是整年在变化的,比如说螃蟹绝不会是夏季食材的首选,但鲔鱼的品质确是超正的。

菜单供应也随著季节性食材做变动,至少一年要有四种不同的菜单。-7) FOOD IS SOMETHING ELSE THAN TASTE 食物不单只有食味 : the taste is really important, but the look, the smell, the texture, the sound, everything counts......try to make the customer use the 5 senses, then food becomes a new sensitive experience.味道是相当重要的,但是整体的视觉、气味、口感、声音等都是环环相扣的。

试著让客人们运用他们的五感,食物将会让人有一种全新感受的经验。This are the main points of the modern spanish food philosophy以上是现代西班牙菜理念的几个重点事项
