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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Our understanding of the Emotional System today is still in the Dark Ages. This has its analogy to the time when people’ s understanding of our Solar System was based upon the belief that the Sun revolved around the Earth, as it certainly appeared that way--however, just the reverse was true. The problem was, as long as we believed the Sun went around the Earth, we were limited as to how far we could go in the Solar System.

We find the same condition existing today in regard to the Emotional System. Society believes that our emotional feelings are a result of our experiences in our environment. In essence:something happened and it made me feel the way I do. This belief, though it is certainly the way it appears, is just the reverse of how it really works.

What happens to us as we embrace an emotional feeling is that it is first received by our brain, which converts it into electrical energy that flows through our body by means of the central nervous system. We can often "feel the charge" in our body associated with the experience of emotions. When this occurs an electromagic field is generated around our body which attracts to us another person who has an identical electromagic field around their body and the game emotional feeling in their heart.

We he not been able to make much progress in the emotional area. Let’s face it, although this age reflects great advancements in technology, the feelings in the hearts of men and women are still plagued by darkness.

Believing that something or someone made us feel the way we do gives rise to the concept of victimization. To see self as a victim places the responsibility for our feelings on someone or something other than self. The real problem with this view is that if we are not responsible for hing created our feelings, we are also unable to change those feelings and create new and different ones.

This dilemma we face creates quite a struggle in life. Although we may externally struggle with different circumstances and situations, the emotional feelings associated with them are always the same frustration, resentment, anger, etc. It is as if we he fallen into quicksand, gotten stuck, and the only way we know to extricate ourselves is to struggle. What we find is that the more we struggle to get out,the deeper in we sink.

To state a simple rule: there is an inverse relationship between struggling with a problem and understanding the problem. Understanding how the emotional system really works allows the resolution of problems without struggle. This understanding is the key to unlocking the emotional doorway to enter into the Kingdom of Heenly Feelings within us. [460 words]

1.By referring to the solar system, the author intends to show

A.the evolution of the Emotional System examda.

B.the mechanism of the Emotional System

C.the widespread ignorance of the Emotional System

D.the analogy beteen Solar System and Emotional Sysrem

2.It is widely believed that our emotional feelings—————.

A.result from our experiences in the environment

B.justify our struggle with the adverse environment

C.plague US more than anything else in the environment

D.are shared by people with an identical electromagic field

3.The author argues that——————————.

A.the environment generates our feelings

B.everyone is responsible for his own feelings

C.one shouldn’t be blamed for his resentment or anger

D.one’s feelings are created by something or someone else

4.In the author’S opinion,the concept of victimization in the emotional area——————————.

A.should be iustified examda.

B.should be embraced

C.should be recognized

D.should be gotten rid of

5.It can be inferred from the text that the effective way tO get rid of unhealthy feelings is to understand———————————.

A.how to get out of the quicksand with ease

B.how our emotional feelings are brought about

C.the relationship between feelings and adversity

D.the essence of the Kingdom of Heenly Feelings 难句解析:

①This has its analogy to the time E when people’s understanding of our Solar System was based upon he bellel(that the Sun revolved around the Earth), (as it certainly appeared that way) however,just the reverse wastrue]. examda.

【结构】方括号所标示的“when people,s understandin9…was based upon the belief…”是“time"的后置定语从句;圆括号所标示的“that the Sun revolved around the Earth”是“belief”的同位语从句;圆括号所标示的“as it certainly appeared that way”



⑦[What happens to us(as we embrace an emotional feeling)]is[that it is first received by our braln’(whlch converts it into electrical energy)].

【结构】方括号所标示的“What happens to us…feeling”用做主语从句;IN括号所标示的"aswe embrace…feellng"是其中的状语从句。方括号所标示的“that it is first received…system”用做表语从句;圆括号所标示的“which converts it int0…system”是“brain”的后置定语从句;尖括号所标示的“that flows through our body…system”是“electrical energy”的后置定语从句。


③[When this occurs]an electromagic field is generated around our body[which attracts to us another person(who has an identical electromagic field around their body and the same emotional feeling in their heart)]. examda.

【结构】方括号所标示的“When this occurs”用做状语从句。方括号所标示的“which attracts to us…heart”是“electromagic field”的后置定语从句。圆括号所标示的“who has…heart”是“person”的后置定语从句。


④Believing(that something or someone made US feel the way 【结构】方括号所标示的动名词短语“Believing that…we d0”用做主语;圆括号所标示的“that something…we do ”是动名词“believing”,的宾语从句;尖括号所标示的“we do”是“way”的后置定语从句。


⑤[To see seIf as a victim]places the responsibility for OUr feelings on someone or something other than self.

【结构】方括号所标示的动词不定式短语“To see self as a victim”用做主语;谓语动词是“Places…on…”。

【释义】把自己看做受害者,就等于认为自己的情感与己无关,而是由别人或别的事所造成的。 examda.

⑥[A1though we may externally struggle with different circumstances and situations],the emotional teelmgs Lass0ciated with them] are always the same--frustration,resentment,anger,etc. examda.

【结构】方括号所标示的“Although we may…situations”是让步状语从句。方括号所标示的过去分词短语“asciated with them”用做“feelings”的后置定语。

【释义】从表面看来,虽然我们要与形形色色的环境和境遇作斗争,不过与其相关的感情却都一样——挫折、怨恨、愤怒等等。 答案注释

1.第一段第一句“0ur understanding of the Emotional System today is still in the Dark Ages”是该段主题句,点明论点。作者然后以“Solar System”为例说明这个论点。所以,选项C应为答案。

2.根据第二段第二句“Society believes that our emotional feelings are a result of our experiences in our environment”可知,选项A应为答案。

3.根据第二段后一句“This belief…is just the reverse of how it really works”和第五段后一句“…if we arenot respons’ible for hing created our feelings,we are also unable to change those feelings and create new and different ones”可知,选项B应为答案。

4.根据第五段第一句可知,“the concept of victimization”是“Believing that something or someone made US feel theway we do”观念造成的。作者认为应该摆脱由此造成的困境,终“to enter into the Kingdom of Heenly Feelings within US”。所以,选项D应为答案。examda.

5.根据本文后两句“Understanding how the emotional system really works allows the resolution of problems without struggle.This understanding is the key to...the Kingdom of Heenly Feelings within US”可知,选项B应为答案。











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