

05月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[人教版五年级英语下册期末考试试卷]一、 英汉互译 (两者)都 laugh( ) 短裙whose( ) 好地 true( ) 分 team( ) 36 我的 mine( ) 他的 二、 根据课文,选词填空 1 Look! Amy‘s blue dress ___________(is/ are) we...+阅读

Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?

Tony:Wow!What a beautiful desert!

Gogo:I feel sick.Let's rest.

Tony:What did you eat this morninh?

Gogo:I ate (eat吃的过去式)cheese,chocolate,chicken and ice cream.

Jenny:Did you dirink anything this morning?


Gogo:Oh,a bottle fo water! I'm thirsty.

Tony:That's not water!That's a genie(精灵)!



2. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A

3. 1) ai 2_ ou 3) ea 4) ar

4. 1) China 2) Where does Sarah come from 3) comes from Australia

4) Where does the rain come from It comes from

2. rain Where comes vapour water How sun


1. Rain rain come dropping dropping dropping

2. sun cloud drink wash river sea wate

3. sunny sleeps hot sky Mr Wind drops cloud heavy fall down sun warm


1. seed flower water sprout plant

2. 1) soil 2) sun 3) water 4) sprout 5) flower

3. 1)→6)→4)→5)→7)

5 1. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A

2. B A D F E



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