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[五年级下册第1课课文]人教版 语文 第十册 第1课 《草原》老舍 这次,我看到了草原。那里的天比别处的更可爱,空气是那么清鲜,天空是那么明朗,使我总想高歌一曲,表示我满心的愉快。在天底下,一碧千里,而并...+阅读

Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class?

Let's talk

Eve: Look at the three runners.

Who is the one in the middle?

Ma Jum: He's john.

Eve: Is he the tallest boy in your class?

Ma Jum: No, he isn't.

Eve: Who is the tallest boy in your class?

Ma Jum: Lin Hai.

Eve: Who runs fastest in your class?

Ma Jum: Liu Wei rums fastest.

Eve: Which one is Liu Wei?

Ma Jum: Look! The one in the yellow T-shirt.

Let's learn

Who jumps highest, Tom.

Jim or Jack?

Jack jumps highest of the three.


pleased to meet you! Laura:Hi,Simon Simon:Hi,Laura.This is my cousin,Daming.He's from China. Laura:Hello,Daming.Pleased to meet you!Can you spesk English? Daming:Yes,i can speak some English. Simon:You speak very good English,Daming!Laura is from England. Daming:I've got two friends from England.Ther names are Sam and Amy. Laura:Can I write to your friends? Daming:Yes.This is their address. Laura:And can you be my chinese pen friend? Daming:Yes,of coures.This is my addess in china. Laura:Thank you !But I can't write English! 我正好是六年级,是第五模块吧。 这是第五模块的第一篇课文。 你需不需要第二篇课文


Unit 1You should obey the rules .Lesson 1教学重难点

1、 Students learn to say: Listen to the teacher carefully .Hand in your home work on time .Don't be late for class .Don't make noise in class.

2、 Students learn to read: He knows everyone in school should obey the rules. He never makes noise in class .He is a group leader. His group is making a list of rules for the class.

3、 Students can use the:…..should……./Don't ….. 译文:Just read and speak 高伟是一名好学生。他明白每一个学生在学校都应该遵守规定。他每天到校认真听讲。她上课从不吵闹。他是小组长。他的小组正在制作班级规定表。 Lesson 2教学重难点

1、 Students learn to write: ask, eat, make, carefully; Listen to the teacher carefully.

2、 Students should understand and use the sentences: .Don't be late for class/ school. Ask questions actively. Be quiet. Don't make noise. Don't eat in class.

3、 Students should know: What rules do they should obey?

4、 Students learn to read the chant and know how to read “Oo”. 译文:

1、 Just practice 认真听讲。 上课/上学不迟到。 积极提问。 不喧哗吵闹。 保持安静。上课不吃东西。

2、Just write


Dr Zhang Ling is a scientist.She works in the space station. What does she do every day? In the moming,Dr Zhang makes new medicines.There is no gravity so it is easier to make them.In the afternoon,Dr Zhang walks in space. She must fix something outside the station. In the evening,Dr Zhang has a rest.She looks out of the window.There isa sunrise or sunset every 45 minutes. Then at 9:30 pm,Dr Zhang goes to bed.Look at the picture.She has to sleep like this so she does not float away.Then she has a good sleep


苏教版六年级上册语文16课课文16课草原..怎么了这次。 我看到了草原。那里的天比别处的更可爱,空气是那么清鲜,天空是那么明朗,使我总想高歌一曲,表示我满心的愉快。在天底下,一碧千里,而并不茫茫。四面都有小...

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六年级下册英语第一课课文苏教版Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class? Let's talk Eve: Look at the three runners. Who is the one in the middle? Ma Jum: He's john. Eve: Is he the tallest boy...

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