
速求一篇演讲稿habit is a second nature

02月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[速求一篇课堂演讲稿]看完8个笑话,顿悟8个人生道理 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1、建筑师 一位夫人打电话给建筑师,说每当火车经过时,她的睡床就会摇动。 “这简...+阅读

1.“little small, if asexual, the custom becomes however”. The meaning meant that human's natural disposition is very close, but because the custom different is then very different, in childhood raised the moral character probably was inborn has, fostered for a long time the custom probably stemmed from the nature.”The custom is by repeatedly makes, and fosters according to the natural law. The success is starts from the good custom, the custom becomes the nature, fosters since childhood the custom may quite relaxed being able to achieve effortlessly.

2."I left without sex, habits become natural." This means that human nature is very similar, but different because they used very different from, the character of culture as if a child is born with, long-term out of habit as if natural. "Used to duplicate manufactured by and in accordance with the laws of nature develop the. Success is going from good habits started form the habit, a habit from childhood can be done relatively easily and effortlessly.

3.The few small to clones, habit so ". This means that, human nature is very similar to, but because it's a far cry from different habits, childhood training in character as naturally, long habit of just as for nature. "Habit is manufactured by repeating and formed under the laws of nature. Success is good practice to begin, habit, cultivate habits can be quite easily do it.




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