

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请帮我写一份简单的英语自我介绍初一水平]My name is___,I come form___,I study in No.__ middle school.I am 13 years old. I am a very happy girl/boy,ang I like make friends very much.I am also very droll...+阅读

My name is kevin,I am in my 25th and I was Born in a small town in Shandong, I graduated from XX University two years ago and my major was computer network.

When I was in school, my favorite course was English. I find it quite interesting since it represents a different voice and culture. I hope I could stick to learning and using this language in the future not only for work but myself enrichment as well.

In my spare time, I like reading novels. It's a good way to expand knowledge and broaden my vision/horizon. Besides, I am fond of surfing the net to make friends with people worldwide.

Thank you


Hello Everbody My name is XXX, Im a XXX people(如果是本地人说native,如果不是不用这个也能在地方名后直接加ese),XX years old,single or married man or woman.My hobby is at writting,calligraphy and the art of tea. My major is tourism management,Ive graduated from 学校 in 年.The course which I was through includes 什么课程内容,最好说一些与你所申请工作有关的. Why did I apply this job,I think the main reason is that I have passion with the hotel management and services, I love this job.You know the tourism management is my college major, I picked it because I love the occupation of services.My aim after graduated is devoting myself to this kind of job. I believe this passion will help me to do everything I can making my performance best. If you give the chance, I will prove that, and also with my experience gorwing, I will more and more be fitable this job.So I have the confidence with that and trust me. thats all, think you for your time.




My name is XXX, and I graduated from XXX University with a degree in XX. (Talk about your past working experience if you have any related to the position you are applying.)

I think my strength is that I am very responsble and reliable. (If you have any examples about that, briefly explain this point.) Also, I am a team player because I think more people will always have more ideas. If I am alone, I only have one solution to the problem, but if I have a group of people, we can figure out the best solution by going over all the possible solutions we come up. I really love to work in team. The one thing I need to point out is my outstanding computer skills. I know how to use XXX (Name some computer programs that you know how to use and they can help you to be better qualified for the position.)

As I review the job description and the qualification for this position, I believe I match most of the qualification, and I am really interested in this position.


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