

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


The puter virus is an oute of the puter overgrowth in the 1980s. The cause of the term "puter virus" is the likeness between the biological virus and the evil program infected with puters. The origin of this term came from an American science fiction“The Adolescence of P-1”written by Thomas J. Ryan, published in 1977. Human viruses invade a living cell and turn it into a factory for manufacturing viruses. However, puter virusesare small programs. They replicate by attaching a copy of themselves to another program.

Once attached to me host Program, the viruses then look for other programs to "infect". In this way, he virus can spread quickly throughout a hard disk or an entire anization when it infects a LAN or a multi-user system. At some point, determined by how the virus was programmed the virus attacks. The timing of the attack can be linked to a number of situations, including a certain time or date, the presence of a particular file, the security privilege level of the user, and the number of times a file is used. Likewise, the mode of attack varies. So-called "benign" viruses might simply display a message, like the one that infected IBM's main puter system last Christmas with a season's greeting. Malignant viruses are designed to damage the system. The attack is to wipe out data, to delete flies, or to format the hard disk.

What Kind of Viruses Are There? There are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive, operating system and source ode. Shell viruses wrap themselves around a host program and don't modify the original program. Shell programs are easy to write, which is why about half of viruses are of this type. Intrusive viruses Invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program. Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file.


计算机病毒是八十年代计算机飞速发展带来的结果,计算机病毒这一名词起因于在计算机上传染的有害程序与生物学中病毒的相似性,该名词起源于1977年出版的、由 Thomas J. Ryan写的一本美国科幻小说《p-1的青春》。




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