

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请假条的英语版]Dear Teacher,Due to i have been caught a cold after going fishing, i am sorry I cannot attend to your class today Please excuse my absence and I will make sure...+阅读

句式(SVO=主语+谓语+宾语) 1. It --- (1) It is obvious to most of us, in particular the younger ones, that SVO。对大多数人,尤其是年轻人来说.... (2) It goes without any slightest question (doubt) that SVO。毫无疑问... 2. To --- To tell the truth / To be honest / To be more exact / To put it in a more accurate way说实话... 3. As --- (1) As far as I am aware, SVO。就像我提到的那样... (2) As is well-known to the general public, SVO。就像大多数人知道的那样... (3) As is often the case, SVO。就像普通情况那样... (4) As often mentioned by some experts, SVO。就像专家们经常说的那样... 4. There be --- (1) There is no denying an obvious fact that, SVO。事实肯定是... (2) There is certain element of truth in saying that SVO。事实肯定是... 5. What --- (1) What matters is that SVO。重要的是.... (2) What needs to be emphasized rahter than overlooked here is that SVO。不能被忽略的重点是... (3) What must be rememberd about the situation is that SVO。在那种情况下一定要牢记的是... (4) What I have to pointed out here is that SVO。我要指出的是... 6. which --- SVO, which SVO fact+comment 这是非限制性定语从句 He jumped out and killed himself, which is baffling many people。 (1) , which is of great importance (benefit) to our life (society)。....是对我们生活(社会)有重大意义的。 (2) , which is damaging both physically and spiritully。...是对身心都有害的。 7. It is … that … 这是强调句 I bought a book yesterday。 It is yesterday that I bought the book。 I love you because you love me。 It is because you love me that I love you。 8. Only + adv。倒装 If we have fund, we can protect cultural heritage。 Only if we have fund, can we protect cultural heritage。 We can solve the problem in this way as soon as possible。 Only in this way can we solve the problem。 Only in this way, to tell the truth, can we … It … only … 9. … as … as … as as的用法注意 It is important to protect cultural heritage。 Nothing in this world is as important as to protect cultural heritage。 The biz shoule be responsible for society。 Nothing is as important as the biz's responsibility for society。 Nobody should be as responsibility for society as the biz。 10. not … but … 不是...而是... not because … but because … 不是因为...而是因为... We should protect heritate because the heritage is a part of our history。 We should protect heritage not because we can make money out of it but because the heritage is a part of our history。 短语 谓宾搭配 economy (经济方面) save money, save resource, improve efficiency environment(环境方面) purify air/water, protect forest/soil education(教育方面) promote educational justice, instruct kids community(社会组织方面) make community peaceful and harmonious, reduce crime family(家庭方面) stabilize family, consolidate family relationship (link) healty(健康问题) improve health, add satisfaction 动词 lead to, give rise to, bring about, originate from, derive from, be rooted in, have a lot to do with, be involved with 名词 personal interest, living pressure, financial desire, time, health, knowledge, schooling family issues (divorce, single parenting, violence, prejudice) job (employment, income, promotion, stress, office politics, condition) psyche (depression, satisfaction, fulfillment, pride) society (system, economy, cultural, communication, population) environment (pollution, worsenting situation, resources) (3) It can be said with much certainty and confidence that SVO。 (4) It has been repeatedly pointed out by some authoritative sources that SVO。 2. To --- To tell the truth / To be honest / To be more exact / To put it in a more accurate way 3. As --- (1) As far as I am aware, SVO。 (2) As is well-known to the general public, SVO。 (3) As is often the case, SVO。 (4) As often mentioned by some experts, SVO。 4. There be --- (1) There is no denying an obvious fact that, SVO。 (2) There is certain element of truth in saying that SVO。 5. What --- (1) What matters is that SVO。 (2) What needs to be emphasized rahter than overlooked here is that SVO。 (3) What must be rememberd about the situation is that SVO。 (4) What I have to pointed out here is that SVO。 6. which --- SVO, which SVO fact+comment He jumped out and killed himself, which is baffling many people。 (1) , which is of great importance (benefit) to our life (society)。 (2) , which is damaging both physically and spiritully。 7. It is … that … I bought a book yesterday。 It is yesterday that I bought the book。 I love you because you love me。 It is because you love me that I love you。 8. Only + adv。 If we have fund, we can protect ...


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