

05月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[托福写作]1. The artist’s work pushes our civilization to a higher level. 改进:Artists’ work upgrades our civilization. 2. For example, you work in a big factory. 改进:...+阅读

The coconut tree is a very important plant in my country. Coconut tree plantations are important sources of revenue ,food and shelter.Our country earns a lot of money from the export of coconut tree products like copra, coconuts, coconuts oil , and coconut milk . This has been the main sources of our foreign exchange for over a century . In fact, many of the coconut plantations were planted by various colonial power and now, since independence, are run by our own citizens.We not only export the food products of the coconut tree ,we eat them ourselves too. The coco is the basis of much of our national cuisine, we are famous for our curries made rich by coconut milk .We also use the oil to fry our foods as well as to add shine to our skin and hair.The fronds of the coconut tree are also used to cover the walls and roofs of temporary shelters. The breezes pass through the fronds and cool the interior ,but the heavy rains, which fall daily , do not enter.The coconut tree is a very versatile and useful plant .It is a tree that has served our country well.


导语:外语教育网的小编特意为您整理了托福考试资料,预祝您取得好成绩!O(∩_∩)O~~ When asked about what has been brought by television , different people have different answers. There is some people who don't like TV saying that television has destroyed communications among friends and family. however other people take a negative attitude on this issue. In my opinion, I disagree with the above statement . The reasons are given below.Television is only one instrument for people to relax. There is many ways of amusement for people to select after the working time nowadays. You can select to meet your friends, to accompany your parents or to take part in some sports activities. Watching TV at home is simply one way to live. It is too narrowly to regard TV as one main reason to damage relationship among friends and family just because some people has spent a lot of time on it .Another reason that I disagree with the above statement is that TV can provide some additional topics for communication among friends and family. Talking about the news, the soap drama or soccer game watching on the TV last night is also good communication ways to increase your affections with your friends and your family. Also sometimes, skipping one TV program could probably make you lose voices among your friends.Last but not least, watching TV is one good medicine to cure the loneliness when your friends and parents can not accompany with you. I would not forget the warm which was brought by TV when along outside the hometown.I can't deny that some people has ignored friends and family when they are addicted into watching TV. However, everything has it's two sides. All the factors mentioned above determined me to draw the conclusion that it is not reasonable to say television has destroyed communications among friends and family.相关热词:托福复习指导写作


美文欣赏:Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to have a very good relationship withmy parents. They have supported me, given me necessary criticism, and taught me agreat deal about how to live my life. Parents can be very important teachers in our lives;however, they are not always the best teachers.这是整个文章的开头,这一段的最后一句写到they are not always the best teachers,这一句就充分表明了作者的观点,作者认为家长不是最好的老师。这样的表达就做到了简洁,明了。...



1. 解决素材和论点。托福独立作文的分类有很多,参考LYNK托福逻逻辑链卡片的分类,其实只有五大类分别是:education;government;job&success; relationship, recreation。

2. 解决段落内论证。背诵范文不介意词句背诵,需要理解论证逻辑,段落内是怎么串联和论证的。不用死记硬背,提供备考效率;换句话说,我们建议背诵的是逻辑链,而不是证段内容一句不差。 如果自己有能力整理万能逻辑链,可以自己总结;如果没有能力整理,建议使用LYNK逻辑链。

3. 撰写背诵论证段。通过撰写"背诵“过的论证段,总结自己的表达差距(词汇和句型结构),可以对部分词汇和句型记忆和训练。

4. 背诵范文,或者逻辑链的基础上,建议总结自己的作文高频词汇,进行优化和句型优化;冲刺高分。



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