

01月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[来看看托福写作该怎样写]1. 练。规定的时间,规定的话题。有时候我们走到了考场,发现自己很难写出来,就是因为我们平常在练习的时候,没有太过注重对时间的把控。往往都是想到哪写到哪,想起啥就写啥。也因...+阅读

Sometimes the best travel companion you can have is yourself. I've learned

that solo travel can be totally liberating and completely rewarding in a way few

other experiences in life can match.

First, you will get to know yourself better. Traveling alone exposes you to

raw experiences in which you get to know your inner self. Once you are out there

on the road on your own you will be faced with decisions you need to make and

fears you need to overcome. You will discover your true self and what you are

capable of.

Second, it is liberating to disconnect for a while and be content with the

moment – with the view and with one's own thoughts. The mind needs to be free at

times to be creative, to think clearly and to refresh itself. One is then also

able to look at life with some distance and think about future goals with a

fresh set of eyes.



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