
急需要有人帮我写篇雅思口语的范文 Describe your ideal

04月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


I am a college student now and the ideal job for me is a teacher. For starters (pat推荐的开篇小词) ,I was told that being a teacher is one of the most worthy thing a person can be(teenage drama queen 里面的台词).Teachers fill young minds with knowledge, but more importantly, give those minds a compass so that knowledge doesn't go to waste(也是一个电影里面的台词,忘了电影名了,能搜到). Also, I'm crazy about kids. I'm pretty sure I will enjoy the time being with adorable children. I've pictured that moment in my dream many times. As for the place I can be a teacher, I think schools would probably be the best. You know, most children study at schools. I will meet all kinds of lovely children there and it must be nice.(微笑一下,表情作高兴状) I don't care how many hours I will be working every day. Being a teacher would give me a better appreciation of life. You know, life is not always about how much you can get or how much you have spent, the true genius of life is about pursuing what you like. In contrast, I don't think I would be delighted when I'm not what I wanna be, I don't wanna be a businessman or a lawyer or something, even if I could be well-paid. Anyway, it's no exaggeration to say that teaching is the ideal job that I want to do later in my life. 你要是简单回答,在学校教书,每天工作八小时,就没话了。

那样怎么凑时间呢?所以,就放开来扯一扯!!!这样时间就够了!而且也没有走题!(其实雅思口试关键也不是扣题,而是有话可说,说得好!) 考试放轻松一点不要紧张,说话表情自然点哈~ 当时我准备雅思的理想工作的题材也是准备说老师的。原因:1.好说。2.咱了解啊。3.雅思考官都是至少5年的英语教师资历!你把老师这个职业夸夸(这个稿子也有夸)他们肯定高兴! 我雅思7~~以上基本也是从我准备雅思的材料中整合出来的,都算是有把握的语句~希望能帮到你

雅思口语范文 describe a person in the news you would like to meet急

Nicholas Vujicic is an Australian preacher and motivational speaker. He was born with a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally, as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability. At the age of seventeen, he started his own non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs. Moreover, Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, and hope.I want to meet him since I admire him a lot. I believe nothing can be more difficult or harder than Nicholas Vujicic's situation. He is the guy living beyond his limitation. He learned to write using the two toes on his left foot with a special grip that slid onto his big toe. He lives like a normal human being, throwing tennis balls, playing drum pedals and surfing in the ocean. Nicholas Vujicic is my panacea and motivation when I encounter bad situation. Also, I believe he is a spiritual leader with mighty power for anyone.

雅思口语上次只有5 5怎么样在10几天内到6呢马上就要再考了








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