

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写作文的方法有哪些方法]一、首先对作文要有兴趣。兴趣是从其他美文来,兴趣也由你的成就感来,当你写出一篇好的作文,听到别人的肯定时,你就有了兴趣,写出更多的好的作文来。 二,积累材料。这点非常重要。...+阅读

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The opinions or celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to young people than they are to old people. This depends on what angle you are looking at, and surely it wouldn't be an easy question to answer. Particularly for entertainers, who are one of the most important things in old people's life because most of the old people don't work anymore and they need entertainments. So, entertainers entertain them, without entertainers, old people's life would be really boring. But athletes are less important to them, only for those old male population who are still mad about sports. May be they are needed to keep this lot happy. As for young people, both of the above are equally important to them, because young people have ambitions. Some want to be a star either film star or a singer or any sort of entertainer. And some want to be a famous athlete. So they all need influence. Watching their idols perform could inspire them, helping them to achieve better. Therefore, entertainers and athletes are important to both young and the old, only just a matter of degrees that's all. 以上是本人的论点和立场,用英语写出给你,希望会对你有助,并望满意采纳,谢谢。


怎样写作文作文的技巧作文三步法》是作文教学领域里程碑式的成就,其意义重大而深远: 第一,从根本上解决了作文教学无章可循、无法可依的局面,使作文教学在哲学、心理学上都找到了理论依据。 第二,从...

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