
求雅思口语范文PART2 a prize you won 2分钟左右急急急

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[本人高一希望高三可以雅思7分求详细学习计划!]......重要的还是自身的努力。 枯燥的背单词这是必须的,勤练口语也是很有必要。多做雅思的练习题也很重要 中考136算是中等成绩吧,而且中考的英文一般很简单。所以阁下不要抱...+阅读

这篇的题目是参加的竞赛,你可以稍作修改 ps:这是外国教学中用得原创材料

I have attended many competitions in different phases of my life and have won some prizes from those competitions as well. One such contest that I would like to talk about was the Cycling competition that I participated in my college.

I was then a student of college and around 15 years old. One day I noticed an advertisement in our local newspaper that an inter-college cycling competition would held on next week. The entry fee would be $20 and the prizes would be given to the first three cyclers. I had a passion on cycling and I that's why I thought to participate it.

On the day of the contest I went to the starting point and registered my name in the competition. I took my bicycle and wore my cycling dresses. I noticed there were around 30 competitors and I was asked to stand at my start point. With the sound of the whistle I start cycling. I had very less intension of winning prized but I simply did concentrate on cycling. The total distance was around 5 miles and that required some energy and time. After I finished the racing, I was really surprised to hear that I won the third prize. I found that some of my classmates were shouting because I was one of the three prize winners.

I felt really happy and proud that I did well in this competition. Actually I never took my cycling habit seriously and after I did well in that competition, I started participating in other cycling competitions as well


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