

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[需要一个好的英文面试自我介绍]原发布者:蓝馨520706 面试时英文自我介绍5分钟 (一) Goodmorning,ladiesandgentlemen Itismygreathonortohavethisopportunitytointroducemyself.andIhopeIcouldmakeagoodperfo...+阅读

Learn, to comply with school discipline school rules is that every student should do, and it is the Chinese nation's fine tradition of the United States and Germany, but I, as contemporary students who do not receive proper it inherited. Like many Chinese young people are not aware of Christmas, it's been grand, like Christmas. We are all lost in the ignorance of discipline, do not understand their own learning objectives ... ... Huazipiaoling artesian water, rang the bell, the noisy boiling, the teacher you are troubled times, in the heart of this melancholy Nan Xiao, for our ignorance, especially to your review. First of all, resulting in the most direct reason for the speech self-study is the difference between self-binding, and washing is completed, I felt nothing to do; indirectly, and we hope to do something other than schoolwork, inevitably interact, cynical voices of When the bedroom on the boil slowly. Of course, this can not be a bedroom without discipline reasons. Mr. Lu said that Goethe said ... ... ... ... We only have to seriously reflect on the underlying causes behind the search for errors, identify the problem and to give an account of the collective and his own, which will progress. After the bell hit violated the education management system, affected the normal operation of the teacher's work, This is unfaithful, a sin. There live up to the great parents I hope very much good to waste time at school, is the lack of filial piety, the second sin. Gengrang teacher your deep thinking for that matter, sad and disappointed, This is inhumane, the three crimes are ... ... at the time of writing this review, I am my ignorance, regret the most. Finally, the trouble teachers and students time to review I conducted the review, and handed in this review, I am now in my test of being a teacher, ... ... I fully understand that our well-meaning teacher education ... ... of non-compliance bedroom discipline by no means a negligible small! As long as we have very good binding ability, learning ability, we have no excuse, no reason can justify the speech! We only seriously think about life so much more to do, the burden of so many to pick, there is no reason to play in a normal non-compliance after the bell bedroom discipline. To the teachers work hard and do not have to spend the usual, a lot of time and a lot of patience to teach me to not let the teacher and I lost valuable time, I followed the teacher to write a review of their mistakes, because I was the first Xie Jiantao and add a head dull, though with the whole spirit of open lunch time and not to external eyes with a heavy Acid ... ... mixed feelings writing this review, but still well written, only pleased their study superficial only vegetables, not better use of our strong Chinese language and culture, please understand the teacher. Chun Chun to thank the teachers teach, I guarantee that if there is a weight to the opportunity before me, I shall do my best to restrain myself, and never let the teacher down. Asked the teacher to excuse me this time, the error bar 正好200字检讨,望采纳!


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