

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[在电脑上玩游戏用英文怎么说]play games on the computer Download music from the computer write my homework on computer chat with friends on the computer collect information on the computer...+阅读

main marine engine remote control system is an important part of marine engineering automatization,and also is a key and difficult point for marine engineers to adminster and operate automation equipment。main marine engine remote control system connect up start,exchange,speed-governing and centralized-control diesel engine。

the operating system of the modern diesel engine has to be convenient for marine engineers to control main marine engine.As the automatics and technetronic developed,kinds of telecontrol engineering have be used in control organization of diesel engine widely。this article analyse the working process of 凤后轮主机气控系统,and after the analysis of main engine telechiric,being aimed at the problems of the main engine couldn't be worked,we come to conclusion for current management。



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