

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[难忘的一天英语作文3年级50字]Today is the" five one little holiday" on the last day, we will go out to play. Where to go is good? After the discussion, we finally choose snow little three gor...+阅读

(Michael and Ann are on their way to the zoo, they meet Tom and Li Ming.) Michael: Hi, Tom and Li Ming! Where are you going? Tom: Hi, Li Ming and I are going to the hospital to see Jane. Ann: Oh, what happened to Jane? Li Ming: She fell off her bike and hurt her left leg. Michael: Poor Jane! Ann: How about we going to the hospital to see Jane with Tom and Li Ming? Michael: Sure! Let's go. (In the hospital) Michael, Ann, Tom and Li Ming: Good morning, Jane! How are you feeling today? Jane:Good morning! I feel that it's much butter, but still hurts. Ann: You'd better don't move your leg too much. Li Ming: Follow the doctor's adcice. Tom: These flowers are for you. Michael: And also the frutes. Have a good rest and we hope you get well soon. Jane: Thanks for sending me so many beautiful flowers and frutes! I think my leg will get well soon. Ann: Well, it's time for the doctor to check her leg over. We will leave now. See you next time! Jane: Thanks again and see you all.!


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