

03月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于初中生文明礼貌最新倡议书]初中生文明礼貌倡议书一: 同学们: 转眼间,我们进入大学都快一年了。在这一年的大学生活中,我们体会到了太多的不同:不再有一打打的试卷,不再有一摞摞的作业,也不再有一遍遍的敦促。...+阅读

My Boyhood Days我的儿童时代

Whenever I recall my boy hood days,I often he a mixed feeling of regret and happiness.In fact,there is more regret than happiness.For if there were any past happy moments,they are gone and can not be recovered.

I am the only boy of my parentss three children.As boys are prized more than girls in a Chinese family,I received more care than my sisters in my boyhood days,My parents were ready to buy me anything that I wanted.But also I was more strictly educated as boys are regarded as the pillar of a family.They sent me to the best school in town.

The happiest moments which are still vivid to me are those past evenings.After supper,my father used to tell us stories of bre and honest boys.My father always ended his story-telling by patting on my shoulders and said,My son,I hope you will grow up like the hero in the story.My mother and my sisters never failed to echo the expectations with applause as if I were already a hero.

Now I am already a young man.I regret that their hope is still a dream.However,there is no use re

gretting.I will make good use of the present and try my best to live up to their expectation.

An Unfriendly Place一个不友好的地方

The moon is an unfriendly place.So there is neither air nor water,nor life of any kind.There is not much variety of acenery either.

The sun and stars shine in the black sky and the extreme temperatures break rocks away from the surface of the mountains.Sound wes can only trel through the air,so the moon is a very silent world.The earth is shining more brightly than the stars.It looks like an immense ball.

My Father and Mother我的父亲和母亲

My father was eight years older than my mother.He was tall and thin,as straight as an arrow,with a long and angular face.

My mother,on the other hand,was short and slender,with a plump round face.They are also different in character.

My father was impulsive,active and energetic.Wherever he went,his sonorous voice was heard.But my mother was meek,quiet and demure.She didnt like to talk much,especially in the public.Whats more,my father was more intelligent and experienced than my mother.


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