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[2007年春期小学语文第十册一单元考试题]. 连绵起伏(造句): 11、春天来了,百花盛开,你喜欢什么样的花?为什么?说来听听。(2分) 三、阅读大擂台(29分) [课内短文阅读] (17分) 一身乌黑的羽毛,一对俊俏轻快的翅膀,加上剪刀似的尾巴,凑...+阅读

Part I (熟练掌握老外爱用的80词,加分句型和连词)

What‘s your forite subject at school?

Can your tell me something about your hometown?Are there any traditional things in your hometown? What‘s the main transportation in your hometown?How can we improve Beijing to attract more visitors?Why are so many visitors in Beijing?

Do you often use mobile phones?Why?

How do you get news?Are newspapers important to Chinese? What are the differences between local newspapers and international newspapers?

Do you like sports?Which are your forite sports teams?

What‘s your forite time of a day?

Do you think gardens and parks are important to a city?

Where do you live, in a house or in a flat(公寓)? What are the differences between them? Are there any differences between the buildings in northern China and in southern China?

Are puters important?Should children learn puter skills?

What‘re your forite colors?

How often do you write letters to your parents?

Do you often play games?(不要只想到puter games,其实hide-and-seek,tag,I-spy-with-my-little-eye,math games,spelling bee都是美国孩子常玩的游戏)

What games do most Chinese like playing? (比如hide-and-seek捉迷藏,chess,jump rubber band跳橡皮筋,kite-flying放风筝都是啊)

Do you like buying clothes?Why ? What are your forite clothes? Formal or informal?

What're your forite kinds of music? Do you think children should learn how to play musical instruments?

What‘s your forite weather? What’s your forite season?

Do you he any hobbies?

Do you like photography? What‘re your forite kinds of photos?

Do you like painting or drawing? Why?Are they important to adults?

Which meal is your forite meal, breakfast, lunch or dinner?

When do people give others presents/gifts?What do they give others?

Do you like treling and why?

What are your forite outdoor activities?What are your forite sports?

Do you like shopping?Why?Who like shopping more,men or women?

What‘re your forite kinds of movies? ☆Do you prefer to watch movies in cinemas or at home?

Part II Cue card (不同的题目之间可以合并答案,充分利用课上讲的话题和十大弱智话题,蹲点儿注意安全)

1) 人物

a person you‘d like to talk with; a person you care about ; a famous person ; an old person ; a person who lives with you ; a leader; a person who speaks a foreign language ; Describe two people from the same family ; A person in a book you read in childhood

2) 经历

a recent change ;a school holiday/ vacation ; a city / a part of the world you visited before; a trip/ journey ; an adventure; a childhood experience ;an important stage in your life;a big achievement ;a letter you received before ;a positive change in your life;a piece of advice ;


a festival( the spring festival) ; a traditional event

a sports event ; an enjoyable/ special event ;

4) 能力

Describe a job you want to do ;something that was made by yourself ;Describe a skill ; Describe a special meal; your forite sport

5) 地点

a park ;a shop/ a business you‘d like to run ;

a library ;your house / room in your childhood ;

6) 故事

(这两个网站里面都是英语故事: .funs.co.uk/fs/main 和 : .short-funny-stories./ )

a story you heard / a book you read in your childhood; Describe a training course; an interesting/ useful book; your forite newspaper; your forite TV program

7) 不高兴的事

an unhappy shopping experience ;

an occasion that you were late for ;

8) 贵重物品

Describe a thing you lost before ;a piece of furniture ;Describe a vehicle ;what will you do if you he a lot of money;a piece of electronic equipment;your forite clothes ;a piece of art or music;a gift ;a thing you sed money for



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