

11月17日 编辑 39baobao.com



Part I:极速词法

1、camera n. 照相机;

2、cool adj. 酷啊;

3、beautiful adj. 漂亮的,美丽的;

4、wele adj. 受欢迎的;

5、car key n. 车钥匙;

6、relax vt. 放松,别急;

7、handbag n. 手提包;

8、gone adj. 找不到的,丢了的;

9、bet vi. 打赌,敢说;

10、still adv. 仍然;

11、table n. 饭桌;

12、restaurant n. 饭店;

13、problem n. 问题;

14、wow (感叹词)哇塞;

15、present n. 礼物;

16、earring n. 耳环;

17、cute adj. 可爱的,伶俐的,精巧的

Part II:极速句法


Wendy:Wow! What’s this?

Helen:It’s a camera.

Wendy:Oh, cool! Thank you, Helen. It’s so beautiful!

Helen:You’re wele.

John:Now open this box!

Wendy:OK. Uh, what are these?

John:They’re earrings.

Wendy:Oh. They’re so cute! Thank you so much, John.

John:You’re wele.


Kate:Oh, no! Wher

e are my car keys?

Joe:Relax, Kate. Are they in your handbag?

Kate:No, they aren’t. They’re gone!

Joe:I bet they’re still on the table in the restaurant.

Kate:Yes, I think so.

Waiter:Excuse me. Are these your keys?

Kate:Yes, they are. Thank you!

Waiter:No problem.


1.Wow! A new camera! It’s cool!

2.Wow! How beautiful his new girlfriend is!

3.Thank you so much for your present, John.—You’re wele.

4.Your earrings are so cute!

5.Is this your handbag?

6.I bet you’ve left your car keys on the table in the restaurant.

7.I don’t think so.

8.Excuse me. How can I go to Renmin Road?

9.Thank you so much for your help. –No problem.

10.Whose handbag is this?





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