

12月01日 编辑 39baobao.com



The proportion of people working past the state pension age in UK is running at record levels, according to official figures published on the 18th July.

英国国家统计局(Office of National Statistics)的数据显示,在截至今年5月底的12个月中,英国就业人数增加了18万,达到2907万,在新增就业人口中,65岁以上男性和60岁以上女性的比例仅略低于50%。

Men above 65 and women above 60 accounted for just under half of the 180,000 rise in employment to 29.07m during the 12 months to the end of May according to the Office for National Statistics in UK.


The proportion of people above pension age with jobs has risen by more than 3 percentage points to 11 per cent since the mid 1990s, as concerns over rising longevity and worsening private sector pension provision he mounted.


Since 1992, the number of people above pensionable age in work has risen by 400,000 to 1.2m - two thirds of them women.

年龄与就业网络(The Age and Employment work)首席执行官克里斯o鲍尔(Chris Ball)表示:"我们的感觉是,往往出于经济需要,许多人都在接受低于他们资历和能力的工作。这是对重要资源的浪费,而且是在公然贬低长者。"

Chris Ball, chief executive of The Age and Employment work, said: "Our impression is that many people are accepting jobs below their qualifications and capacities, often out of economic necessity. This remains a waste of important resources and is frankly demeaning to older people.

"许多人在超过法定退休年龄后仍继续工作,因为来自养老金界定供款计划(defined contribution scheme)的收入有所下降。另外,由于界定利益计划(defined benefit scheme)遇到困难,在临退休前提出自愿提前退休以获得'丰厚遣散费'(golden handshake)的雇员减少了。"

"Many stay in work beyond state retirement age because of the decline in ines from defined contributions pension schemes. Also, with defined benefits schemes hitting difficulty, fewer employers are offering voluntary early retirement as a 'golden handshake' leading up to retirement."


Increased ailability of older people and migrant workers, however, has helped fill vacancies and restrain inflationary pay rises in a tight labour market, say economists.


Average annual earnings growth excluding bonuses - regarded as the best measure of pay inflation - dipped by 0.1 of a percentage point to 3.5 per cent during the three months to the end of May. The headline earnings figure fell even faster by 0.6 of a percentage point, also to 3.5 per cent.

汇丰(HSBC)英国经济学家卡伦o沃德(Karen Ward)表示,可用劳动力的增长"正是(英国央行(Bank of England))行长所要求的"。她将当前的趋势描述为"金发劳动力市场"(Goldilocks labour market)--一切都"刚刚好",年长者和移民数量的增加满足了对工人需求的增长。

Karen Ward, UK economist at HSBC, said the rise in labour ailability was "just what the Governor [of the Bank of England] ordered". She described current trends as a "Goldilocks labour market" where everything was "just right" with rising demand for workers being met by increasing numbers of older people and migrants.

年龄问题雇主论坛(The Employers Forum on Age)首席执行官萨姆o默瑟(Sam Mercer)表示,雇主愿意雇用年长的员工,特别是在去年10月引入新的年龄歧视法之后更是如此,这反映了人们态度的可喜转变。

Sam Mercer, chief executive of The Employers Forum on Age, said willingness by employers to take on older workers, particularly following the introduction of new age discrimination laws last October, reflected a wele change in attitudes.


She said: "EFA members he found that many people who are given the choice do choose to remain in work even after they are eligible for their pension?.?.?.? as people live longer there is a realisation that they can't afford a 30-year retirement."




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