

11月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[蒙台索利的教育具有良好的自我纠错性——蒙氏教学小结]众所周知,蒙台索利的教育具有良好的自我纠错性,即控制错误的特征。可以使小朋友自行的发现错误,并能自己改正。既有助于孩子了解问题,解决问题。亦能培养 知错能改 。或独立、负...+阅读

51.used to, supposed to.不能省略 d。

F:I use to enjoy gardening.

T:I used to enjoy gardening.

F:My uncle has trouble breathing: he isn't suppose to smoke.

T:My uncle has trouble breathing: he isn't supposed to smoke,


F:This book is .very old to use anymore.

T:This book is too old to use anymore.

F:The weather is very cold to go swimming.

T:The weather is too cold to go swimming.

F:The actor is very nervous to go on stage.

T:The actor is too nervous to go on stage.

53.wait on意为serve, 不要与 wait for混淆。

F:My friend was late; I had to wait on him for half an hour.

T:My friend was late; 1 had to wait for him for half an hour.

F:Good clerks are happy to wait for their customers.

T:Good clerks are happy to wait on their customers.

54.want 后面不跟名词从句,而跟不定式。

F:She wants that she can pass the test.

T:She wants to pass the test.

F:My father wants that I do well in school.

T:My father wants me to do well in school.

55.where 指地点,避免where用作that的同义词。

F: I read in the newspaper where crime is on the increase.

T: I read in the newspaper that crime is on the increase.

F: He you noticed where people are smoking less than they used to?

T:He you noticed that people are smoking less than they used to?

56.which 是关系代词, 指物, 从不指人。

F:The person with which I had the argument was the chair-man.

T:The person with whom I had the argument was the chair-man.

F:The scientist which invented the electric light was Thomas Edison.

T:The scientist who invented the electric light was Thomas Edison.

F:I was annoyed by the salesman which came to my door.

T:I was annoyed by the salesman who came to my door.


F:While my family is not rich, we he many advan-tages.

T:Although my family is not rich, we he many advantages.

F:While I was not busy, I couldn't help him.

T:Although I was not busy, I couldn't help him.

F:While teaching seems like a good profession. I would prefer to be a lawyer.

T:Although teaching seems like a good profession, I would prefer to be a lawyer.


F:Who did you speak to about your problem?

T:Whom did you speak to about your problem? (Whom is the object of the preposition to.)

F:Whom did you say ruled the country at that time?

T:Who did you say ruled the country at that time? (Who is the subject of the verb ruled.)

F:John Kennedy was a man who many people admired.

T:John Kennedy was a man whom many people admired.(Whom is the object of the verb admired.)

59.who's,whose.Who's意为who is;Whose则表示所属。

F:The counselor was the person who's advice I took.

T:The counselor was the person whose advice I took.

F:Do you remember whose in charge of preparing the menu?

T:Do you remember who's in charge of preparing the menu?


F:Will you like a cup of coffee now?

T:Would you like a cup of coffee now?

F:I he never met your parents, but I will like to know them.

T:I he never met your parents, but I would like to know them.

F:My boss told me that he will increase my salasy next year.

T:My boss told me that he would increase my salary next year.

F:We heard on the radio that it will rain tomorrow.

T:We heard on the radio that it would rain tomorrow.


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