

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[介词短语汇总]带-ing词尾的介词barring:except,not including除...外concerning:about,regarding论及,关于excepting=exceptfailing:in default of因缺少...;在缺少...时following:aft...+阅读

1.与in搭配的有: in the morning /afternoon /evening,in spring /summer /autumn /winter,in a year /week /minute,in two weeks,in the classroom,in the same class,in the middle(of),in front(of),in the corner(of),in the sun,in the tree,in the open air,in(the)hospital,in line,in bed,in another way,in English, in danger,in the end,in surprise, in trouble,in fact 2.与at搭配的有: at eight o'clock,at night, at breakfast,at the same time,at noon,at this time of year,at a bad time of year,at the moment,at once,at times,at first,at last,at the beginning of,at the end of,at the head of,at the foot of,at home /school/ work,at the gate,at all 3.与on搭配的有: on Saturday /weekdays,on the morning of...,on New Year's Day,on time, on the tree /wall,on duty,on foot,on one's way(to),on the earth 4.与from搭配的有: from now on,from today to tomorrow,come /be from Australia,(far)from Shanghai 5.与for搭配的有: for two days,for sb.,for the holiday, for supper,for long,for a moment,for example


有些词组或表达方式在题干中往往只出现一部分,另一部分则由选项来补全。常见搭配关系的考点居多,但也有搭 配关系成立,而句意不合的情况出现。词与词组的常见搭配有“名词+介词”。“动词+介词/副词”、“动词+名词” 、“形容词+介词”。“介词短语”。 做这类题时一定要看清楚空格前后的动词,介词或名词以选择合适的搭配关系。语法意义的搭配有三类: 第一类是常见的连接词搭配 如“not...until”,“no sooner...than”“hardly... when”,“too...to”, “not...but”等。 第二类是形容词 比较级通常和than搭配,但是一部分本身已含有比较意义的形容词一般和介词to搭配,这类形容 词有superior,inferior,junior,senior,secon人phor,preferable等等。


固定搭配此处的submissive是形容词,to是介词submissive to a wife 顺从于妻子例如:Some children may be submissive to this approach while others fight back and will not have their willpower broken.一些孩子也许会顺从这个方法但是其余的会因为意志力的脆弱而抵制它Clarisa seemed calm, submissive to her mother and reasonably attentive to both Janir and his cousin.Clarisa看起来平静,顺从她的妈妈并且对Janir兄妹给予适当的照顾


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总结初中英语动词介词短语总结初中英语动词介词短语,急求介词词组大全要举例:look at…看…, look like … 看上去像……, look after …照料… listen to…听…… welcome to…欢迎到…… speak to…对...
