

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学二年级学生不小歌]写话意图:人民教育家陶行知先生就曾写了一首《小孩不小歌》: 人人都说小孩小,谁知人小心不小。你若小看小孩小,便比小孩还要小。 这首诗歌充分体现了陶行知先生相信儿童、尊重儿...+阅读

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Verse 3: Lil Wayne)

Uhh if you weather that storm

Then that rain bring sun

Been a long time comin

I know change gone come

Man I gotta keep it movin to the beat of my drum

Last night I set the future at the feet of my son

But they thinkin that my generation gotta die young

If we all come together then they can't divide one

Don't worry bout it just be about it

Got a message from god heaven too crowded

But I say hey young world you've never looked betta

And I heard change started with man in the mirror ughh

This generation

I'm a represent

A generation led by a black president

Now hows that for change

Who knew that could change

I don't even look at the flag the same hey ughhh

So when you finish readin revelations

Thank god for my generation

(Chorus: Joss Stone & Choir)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source


Colors 颜色歌

Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green stand up.

Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green turn around,and,

Stretch up high above your head.

Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green sit down.

Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan stand up.

Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan turn around,and,

Stretch up high above your head.

Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan sit down.

Gold,Silver,Black,and White stand up.

Gold,Silver,Black,and White turn around,and,

Stretch up high above your head.

Gold,Silver,Black,and White sit down.


silent night / indian chilren 无声的夜/印度孩子

do re mi old macdonald had a farm; little bird; the hockey pocky; old color; bingo; ten green bottles i've got no strings 都是很好听的!!保证!!另外 一楼说的tell me why jingle bell we wish you a merry christmas 也真的很好听!

做重新米老麦克唐纳有一个农场,一只小鸟;曲棍球痘疮;岁颜色;果; 10绿色瓶子我不字符串!告诉我,为什么门铃我们祝你圣诞快乐!


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