

03月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何应对初中英语阅读理解中的细节题和推理]一、做细节事实题的方法 在阅读理解题目中,有相当一部分是考查细节和事实的题目。这类题目相对容易一些。这些题目有两个共同特点:(1) 凡属针对特定细节的考题,其正确答案大都可...+阅读


(1)They shake hands to greet.

(2)People from Greece kiss on the cheek to greet.

(3)You should'nt ask westerners adout the price of something or how much money they earn.

(4)They will look into our eyes when they are talking,They may also point at us with their fingers. They may sit with their legs crossed and point their feet at us.

(5)We can put a fork or spoon on the tabie for them and show them how to use chopsticks.








Winter is dangerous because it's so 冬天是很危险的因为 difficult to know what is going to happen 很难知道将会发生什么 and accidents take place so easily. Fog 而且事故很容易发生 can be waiting to meet you over the top 大雾可能在山顶上等着你 of a hill. Ice might be hiding under the 冰可能藏在正在融化的雪下面 melting (融化) snow, waiting ahead (前面) 在前面等着你让你掉下去 to send you off the road. The car coming to you may suddenly slip across the road. 驶向你的车可能突然失控 Rule Number One for driving on icy roads 在冰面上驾驶的规则一是 is to drive smoothly (平稳地). Sudden 平稳的驾驶 movements can make a car very difficult 突然的操作会使车很难控制 to control. So every time you either 每一次你开车或停车的时候 start or stop your car, increase or 增或者减速 reduce your speed, you must be as gentle 你必须尽可能的慢 and slow as possible. Suppose you are 就当你旁边有一杯满满的热咖啡 driving with a full cup of hot coffee on the seat next to you. Drive so that you wouldn't spill (溅) it. 开车而不至于弄撒它 Rule Number Two is to pay attention to 规则二是注意即将发生的事 what might happen. The more ice there is, 有越多的冰 the further down the road you have to 你必须看越远的路 look. Test how long it takes to gently 测试一下要花多久慢慢停下你的车 stop your car. Remember that you may be driving more quickly than you think. 记住你开的可能比你想象的要快 Generally, allow twice of your usual stopping distance when the road is wet, 通常的,留出你通常停车距离的两倍当路是湿的时候 three times this distance on snow, 在雪上留出三倍 and even more on ice. 甚至更多在冰上 Try to stay in control of your car at all time and you will not get into trouble. 试着总是让你的车处于控制中你就不会有麻烦了 1.The writer tries to _____ in this passage. C.advise people about safe driving in winter 2.According to the passage, the writer thinks that _______. B. drivers should think more about problems in winter driving 3.In the passage he writer talks about a cup of coffee ______. A. to show how important smooth movements are 4.Which of the following is NOT true? C. The stopping distance on ice is as long as the usual one.












how old is Lan ?A

A12 B11C 10 D13

what made the teacher angry?B

Athey cry Bthey fighted Cthey did nothing Dthey didn't do homework

when is the thing happened?D

Amonsday Btuesday Cwednesday Dfriday

what is the Fred's family name?B

Amay Bhollingsword Cking Dlee

why Fred began crying?D

Ahe made teacher angry Bhe feel sorry Che hurt Dhis name is too long


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