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[求几篇大学生的班会记录]内容(学生签名见背面): 1. 主持人发言: 针对大学生在沟通中存在的问题举例: 沟通教育的淡化。 同学间难以形成良好的交流与沟通方式。 独住有碍沟通。 大学生沟通能力培养的举措:...+阅读

Once there lived an old tiger in the forest. He did not often go to look for food himself. Each day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat.

One morning the tiger was very, very hungry. He said to a monkey, “I'm hungry, Monkey. Go and bring me a fat pig.”

“I can't do that, Mr Tiger.”said the monkey. “There's another tiger in the forest. He's younger and stronger than you are. He told me not to bring you anything.”

“What!” shouted the old Tiger. “Another tiger? Show me that beast. I'll speak to him.”

“Come with me, Mr. Tiger,” said the monkey. “You'll see yourself.”

The monkey took the tiger to a big river. “Look into the river,” said the monkey. “There he is! See his head? Look at his big teeth. Isn't he bigger than you?”

“Grr…! So you told Monkey not to bring me anything1 Grrr … I'll kill you!”

With these words the tiger jumped into the river. He did not come out again

“Ha,ha, ha! Goodbye, Mr Tiger,” said the monkey and away he went.

New words and explanations:

1. himself / himself / 他自己

2. deep / di:p / 深的

3. kill / kil / 杀死

4. Once 用于故事的开头, 译成 从前 类似的还有: long, long ago, 或once upon a time.

5. There lived an old tiger = there was an old tiger.

6. make 的过去式是 made 意思是 使, 让 句式为 make sb do 让某人做某事

eg: The teacher made him stand all day. 老师让他站了一天。

7. Something to eat 一些吃的东西。 Something to drink something nice

Something anything 的定语放在后面。

8. 比较级 : A + be 动词 + 比较级+ than + B I am taller than Li Lei.

9. tell sb to do 告诉某人做某事 tell sb not to do告诉某人不做某事

10. with these words 说着,表示伴随的状态。

11. Away he went 这是个倒装句 = he went away . go away = leave 离开


My Birthday Party

Last Sunday,I had my fifteenth birthday party. I invited many friends to the party. I recieved many beautiful birthday presents. At the same time, my mother prepared all kinds of delicious food for their coming. I made a wish before blowing the candles. Then we play games. We sang, danced and laughed. That's the happiest birthday party I never had before.

自己写的 绝对没问题




In the future , my school will be very different from today . Eveyonge will use the computer . Students will talk to their teachers on their computer . They will read books or use the Internet . In the future , they send their homework to the teachers by email . There will be a big and new library in it . I will have more time to read in it . The school will have a big swimming--pool , and a big playground . In the future , we will play footable and tennis on playground . In the future , we will very happy .


Dear Smith:

I've come to invite you to our English party, but it is a big pity that you've happened to be out. So I have to leave this note to you. The party is to star at 7p.m. inClass4,Grade1,and we have invited some close friends to it. If you come back in time and it's convenient for you, would you please come to the party? Please call me soon,and tell me your progrem.

Best wishes!




My dearest Mother,

The mother's day is coming and I would like to say "Happy mother's day" in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and can't give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so don't worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can't be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother's day.


Your daughter


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