

02月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语活动设计:在农场]高密市康成幼儿园 李翠萍领 域:英语教学目标:1、让幼儿认识农场里的不同小动物。2、培养幼儿爱护小动物的情感。3、能够说出几种动物的名称。教学准备:磁带、配套光盘、(...+阅读

Two lines, please 请排成两队。 Make two lines. 请排成两队。 Let's go out to play, shall we? 我们出去玩,好吗? Ready? One, two, go! 准备好了吗?齐步走! Let's play a game.我们做个游戏。 Turn left.向左转。 Turn right.向右转。 Please, stand in a circle, hand in hand.请大家站成一个圈,手拉手。 Make a big circle.站成一个大圈。 Make a small circle.站成一个小圈。 One step backward everyone.向后退一步。 One step forward everyone.向前进一步。 Turn around, face me please.请转身面向我。 Boys, jump on the circles.男孩子跳到 圈上。 Come on! 加油! Hurry up! 快点儿! Be careful! 当心! Safety first! 安全第一! Are you tired? 你们累吗? Let's have a rest. 我们休息一下。 Please come close to each other, sit down. 请靠拢坐下。 Don't push others.不要推别人。

Brave boy! 你真勇敢! Don't push others.别乱跑。 Let's go back to our classroom.我们回教室吧。...

以school life为主题设计一段九个回合左右的二人英语口语对话小弟

Life in the University Situation: In dormitory, A is playing computer game, B is reading, C is singing. 在宿舍里,A在玩电脑,B在读书,C在唱歌A:Hi, guys, now our college life is passing almost three years, and shall we talk something special about it? 嘿,伙计们,我们大学生活都已经过了快3年了,我们来聊点什么,好吗?B:Oh,man,why are you suddenly interested in this topic? Are you finally conscious after so much time playing computer? 你干嘛突然想到这个话题了?你玩了这么半天电脑脑袋还清醒吗?C:Oh yes, I think he is really conscious now. 嗯,我想他应该是清醒的。A:You're right, I don't think there is something interesting after playing computer for so long a time. So I want to do something meaningful, like reading some books as you (for B)do. I am really admiring you for you working hard all the time and I think it is time for me to change. 对啊,玩了这么长时间电脑,我觉得有什么有趣味。

所以我想做点有意义的事情,比如说就像你一样(面对B说)读点书。我很佩服你总是这样认真学习,而且我也认为我要有所改变了、B:Thanks. In fact, you can make it. When I was in high school, I was also addicted to computer games like you now. Later, I took part in some activities in school and read some inspirational books, then slowly not to play. 谢谢你夸奖。事实上你能做到的。当我在高中的时候,我就像你一样沉迷于电脑游戏。不久后,我参加了学校的活动并读了很多鼓舞人心的书籍,慢慢我我就不再玩电脑了。C: Sounds like a good idea. I think you (for A) should learn from B and do not waste too much time on games, and can not waste four years of university life. I think I also have to learn from B rather than singing for all day long. 听起来不错的。我想你(面对A说)应该向B学习不要在电脑上浪费时间,也不要再浪费你大学四年的光阴了。

我想我也应该要向B学习不要整天唱歌了。B:I'm glad to hear that, I hope you can change yourself from now on, the only thing I can say is stick to yourself. 听到这我可真高兴啊。我希望你们都能从现在开始改变,而且我也会督促你们的。A:Ah, you are right. 嗯,就听你的。C:Yeah,thank you very much. Although I am not as obsessed with the game as A,I also do not seem to concentrate on learning over the past three years,and spend too much time on listening to the music or singing. If you don't remind me today,I do not even know my university life has passed for three years. 好,多谢了。尽管我现在没像A一样沉迷于游戏,但是我这三年大学也没将精力集中在学习上,而且也在音乐和唱歌上浪费了太多时间。要是你今天不提醒我,我都不觉得原来我三年时间都荒废了。B:Today you give me a great sense of change, is there anything wrong with you? 今天你让我感觉变化很大,你还好吧?A:Nothing wrong. I often notice that you're reading while I am playing computer games. Sometimes I quite admire you for your good attitude. However, today, I am saying this out. 我当然还好啦。

我经常注意到当你在看书的时候,我却在玩游戏。有时候我也很佩服你认真的态度。只不过今天我说出来了。C: So am I. It seems that I do not care about everything, In fact, I have seen your efforts over the past two years, but I can only admire you in my heart, and blame myself only by the impact of your until today. 我也一样。我平时看上去对什么事情都不上心,但事实上我2年多时间一直在关注着你的努力,我只是在心里佩服你,直到今天我才通过你对我的影响觉得自己很没用。B: Ah? I do not boast of you. In fact, the people who are really affecting you are yourself. Of course, you say that I have affected you; I am very pleased to hear that. After all, I have never thought of the issue like "I can affect you!" 啊?我并没有夸奖你的意思,事实上,能影响你的人只能是你自己。

当然你说我影响了你,我也很高兴。毕竟我从来没听说过类似“我能影响你”的观点。A , B,C: Let us work for it together!让我们大家一起努力吧!这段比较合适学校的生活,简单的翻译了一下,请查收


1. Please be seated. Do not talk. And keep quiet. Please place the toys and articles back.

2. Place your chairs in a circle. Do not drag them. Please be gentle. Then go back to your seats.

3. Let's go to the outside for some activities.

4. Tidy up your desks.

5. Now it's recess time. You can go to the restroom (bathroom) and wash your hands.

6. Greet your friends and teachers when you meet them. And say "goodbye" when you leave.

7. Say "thank you" when you get help from others.

8. Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your mouth after you eat.

9. It's time to lie down in bed for a nap (sleep).


10. (It's) Time to get up. Please make your bed.

11. Do not run around in the classroom. No running, climbing, shouting and chasing. Please walk quietly.

12. Do not take toys away from others. Talk to the teacher if you have questions.




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