

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


怎样说课 袁占舵说课的时间一般在10-15分钟。我觉得说课一般要回答以下问题:

一、 新课内容分析: 本节课的主要内容是什么? 本节课内容所处的位置、作用及前后知识的内在联系是什么? 本节课的重点是什么?(我觉得不必说难点,因为对不同学生难点不一样,尖子生可以没有难点,落后生基础知识也是难点)





六、 教学环节设计(教学程序、达标过程或师生双边活动的设计) 不同层次的学生分别树立怎样的学习目标? 预设学生自学会提出什么样的问题? 哪些问题会在讨论环节中小组内解决? 预设学生会提出哪些小组内、小组间中不能解决的问题? 全班解决学生的问题后,指导(或帮助)学生提出更进一步的问题是什么?用什么方式方法或手段探究、合作解决更进一步的问题? 课堂中间会穿插什么样的开放作业? 用什么方式检测本节的目标达成情况? 为什么这样的方式有效? 怎样及时反馈? 学生反思互助达到满分的手段是什么? 怎样让不同层次的学生做好自结? 留什么省时高效的巩固作业(当堂清后可以不留)? 让学生带着急切学习的渴望怎样留好以后的预习作业? 英语说课应该全部用英语。下面是一个例子:牛津初中英语UNIT 2 School Life 说课稿 Introduce myself: My name is Lu Guojuan. I have worked in Zhangqiao Middle School for 5 years. Today I want to talk about Unit 2, School Life Reading, 8A, Oxford English. First, the analysis of the textbook: 1. The contents: The part of the reading in the second unit aims to introduce school life in British and American schools and it aims to get the students to learn the differences between foreign culture and native culture. 2. The teaching aims:

(1)The aims of the knowledge: To learn life in a British school or an American school and to master important language points.

(2)The aims of the abilities: To improve the abilities of getting information by scanning and the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(3)The aims of the emotion: To promote their love for their school and school lives. 3. The teaching emphasis:

(1) To get the ability of general reading and acquiring information.

(2) To master vital phrases and sentence structures. 4. The teaching difficulties:

(1)We have to tell our English teacher what we are reading.

(2)This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus. Next, the teaching methods: Teach the students by the five teaching steps gradually to emphasize the contents. The teacher is to act as a guide and the students as an actor to do the activities. Then, the teaching aids: Projector, Slide show, Tape recorder and Pictures Afterwards, the design of the teaching procedure and the class activities. Step I Lead-in (within 5 minutes) 1. Ask and answer about school life. 1 )What subjects do you learn at school? 2 )What after-school activities do you have? 3 ) Have you joined a club? 2. Ask two students to talk about his/her school life. Step II Presentation (within 30 minutes) Part A Show two flags with the words 'Life in a British school' and 'life in an American school' and discuss the question: What do you think British or American school would be like? Part B 1. Listen to the tape about Passage One to get general ideas and think about two easy questions:

(1) Who wrote the first passage? (2 )What activities does the school have every year? 2. Read and complete the first five T or F exercises in Part C1 and correct them. Part C 1. Listen to the tape about Passage Two to get rough ideas and think about two easy questions:

(1) Who wrote the second passage?

(2) Who else are mentioned in the passage? 2. Read then ask and answer:

(1) What did Jim do in school last year?

(2) How does Nancy go to school every day?

(3) What do the students do in the Buddy Club?

(4) What do American students do during lunchtime?

(5) What do the students sometimes do after school? 3. Complete the left T or F exercises in Part C1 and correct them. 4. Read together with the tape . Part D Language points: (It aims to introduce their usage by some examples.) 1. how to do something 2. taste-tasty 3. tell our English teacher what we are reading. 4. as well &...


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