

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


二、地点题 Place Topic

Card 1 :旅游题

Describe a place that you would like to visit

Where is the place?

Who you would like to go the place with?

What you would do there?

And explain why you would like to visit that place.

What you would do there?

get away from the work, local culture, unwind and relax, sightseeing, shopping, treling, reflect my life experiences.

It’s a place where east meets west. It has a cultural diversity.

Maybe I can find answers to some big questions in my life.

Card 2 : 房间题

Bedroom Furnitures: bookshelves, wardrobe, plants, lamp, stereo, carpet, curtain.

It’s pretty pact.(紧凑)

It’s a bedroom and also a study room for myself.

Go into the room, there’s a double bed in the middle and a plant under/beside the window.

A table and a armchair lie just in the left corner beside the bookshelf.

The bookshelf is right opposite the door and against the wall.

Bathroom Facilities : mirror, wash basin, bath tube, closestool, …

Sitting room : Hi-Fi, TV set, carpet…

Kitchen : extractor, work surface, kitchen sink, stove, microwe oven,…

Do sth. : reading, music, relax, private stuff, thinking of my private stuffs…

Card 3 : Lake/ River/ Sea

1. Where does it located?

Take Yangtzi River for an example:

The river I want to talk about is the Yangtzi River, which is the longest river in China and the 3rd longest in the world.

It starts in west of China, Qinghai Province exactly, and runs all the way through the middle part of China, then join/reach the sea in Shanghai.

2. What people do there?

Sports : canoeing, sailing, surfing, skating, fishing, boating, bathing, boat trel, swimming, sightseeing, water-skiing…

Transport, food, generate electricity…

3. Different seasons?

Summer: flood v./n. and cause huge damages.

Winter: winter sports , freeze or not

Introduction: All my childhood memories were along/by the river.

The river is part of my happy childhood.

社会意义: It’s the cradle of the civilization of China.


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