

11月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


part one:

hometown(city you live in, climate change, recent rain), weather(forite season), ideal job/subject, acmodation(current situation, any improvement), mobile phone/puter(influence on children),munication skills, drawing, photograph, music( musical instrument, forite one), sport(sport team/sport event/ game), clothes(shopping, color, forite style), perfect park, food( impressive restaurant, important meal in a day)

part two:


辐射一组:实际为一个话题卡片—例如“大山”(该话题不适合:describe a person who took care of you when you were a child)

1. Describe an interesting old people(11月3号考题,12月15号考题)

2. Describe the first person you met from a different culture

3. Describe a foreign person you enjoy talking with(12月15号考题)

4. Describe a famous person in china

5. Describe a friend you would like to talk with

6. Describe a person who helped you when you were a child


1. Describe a website(12月8号考题)

2. Describe TV program/ radio program

3. Describe a newspaper(11月17号/12月8号考题)

Describe a useful equipment such as puter or mobile phone

Describe one thing you lost before(11月17号考题)

Describe something you want to buy and se money for

Describe a postcard you he received in the holiday

三组:Describe a café/restaurant(12月15号考题)

四组:Describe another foreign language you learned except English(12月8号考题)

五组:Describe an occasion which you were late for(12月8号,12月15号考题)


1. Describe a day you spent with your family/family event(12月15号考题)

2. Describe a phtograph(12月15号考题)


1. Describe an event that influence you most(12月8号考题)

Describe an exciting event/a wedding(这个话题近期一直很重要)

2. Describe a suggestion/advice(12月8号考题)

3. Describe an advertisement



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