

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一篇关于我的家庭的英语作文]My family I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my mom, dad and me. My father is a math teacher, and he teachs in a middle school near my...+阅读

今天,我来到了红山动物园。我看到了憨态可掬的大熊猫、美丽的长颈鹿、高大的骆驼……其中我最喜爱小猴子。Today, I went to the zoo. I saw a naive panda, beautiful giraffe, tall camel. One of my favorite little monkey.小猴子真机灵。一只小猴子抢到食物,就用两只前爪迅速地剥开皮,吃了起来。它一边吃,一边还警惕地向四周张望,生怕有其它猴子来抢它的食物呢!The little monkey is really clever. A little monkey grab the food, with the two front paws quickly peeling, and began to eat it. While eating, while also carefully looked around, for fear of the other monkeys to take its food!小猴子的动作非常敏捷。

猴山里到处能看见它们灵活的身影:它们有的上蹿下跳,互相追逐;有的几步就攀上了山顶;有的轻快地爬上了大树;还有的调皮地抓住铁杆荡秋千。Small monkeys are extremely agile. Everywhere can see them flexible figure in monkey mountain: some of them jumping, chasing each other; some steps on the climb to the top of the hill; some briskly climbed the tree; and playfully grab irons swing.它们还很贪吃。

我一扔下食物,它们就一拥而上,争着抢食吃。最终还是大猴子反应快,一下子扑向食物,赶紧塞进嘴里,津津有味地吃了起来。而那些没有抢到食的小猴子,只能眼巴巴地看着,时不时找点地上的碎食来解解馋。They are very greedy. I dropped the food, they swarmed, racing to snatch to eat. Eventually the big monkey quick, suddenly fell on the food, hurried into his mouth, with relish to eat. But those monkeys did not grab the food, can only watch helplessly, from time to time to find food on the ground to satisfy desires.小猴子真可爱!我很喜欢它们。

The monkeys are so cute! I like them very much


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