
求一篇关于转基因的英语文章 200字左右

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[欲速求一篇关于如何面对自然灾害的英语文章]I think this is very situational, by that I mean you will need to observe very carefully your surroundings during an earthquake. However, the very first thing y...+阅读

Transfers the gene animal is refers to the experimental technique to induct the extraneous source gene, in 染色体组 in the stable conformity and can inherit gives the descendant a kind of animal. In 1981, first successfully inducted the extraneous source gene the animal embryo, established has transferred the gene animal technology. In 1982 obtained transfers the gene mouse. Changes over to the big mouse's growth hormone gene, causes the mouse body weight for normal individual two times, thus is called "the super mouse". Hereafter cultivated one after another successfully has transferred the gene rabbit, the sheep, the pig, the fish, the insect, the cow, the chicken, the goat, the big mouse and so on transfers the gene animal. Because transferred the gene animal system to break the nature to reproduce the inter-species isolation, enabled the gene in to plant is between the relational very far organism flows, it will have the overall situation influence to the entire life science. Therefore, transferred the gene animal technology after 1991 in the first international gene localization conference by the recognition is the genetics relaying chain-like analysis, the somatic cell heredity and the gene clone fourth generation of technology, is listed as in the biology history in 126 years the 14th turning point. Has transferred the gene mouse since 1982 to be published, transfers the gene animal research all to obtain the amazing achievement in many domains. Generally says, according to the different goal, transfers the gene animal operation to be allowed simply the division to be four kind of types: (l) the disease transfers the gene animal; (2) uses transfers the gene animal drugs manufacture; (3) animal improvement; (4) foundation biology research.


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