

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文我的家庭]My family love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What's...+阅读

绝大多数灵长类动物以不同形式的树栖或半树栖生活,只有环尾狐猴、狒狒和叟猴地栖或在多岩石地区生活。通常以小家族群活动,也结大群活动。多数能直立行走,但时间不长。多在白天活动,夜间活动的有指猴、一些大狐猴、夜猴等。大倭狐猴和倭狐猴在干热季节夏眠数日至数周。Most primates in different forms of arboreal or half arboreal life, only the ring-tailed lemur, baboons and barbary ape habitat, or living in rocky areas. Usually in small group activities, also produce a large group of activities. Most can walk upright, but time is not long. Activities more active during the day, night is refers to the monkeys, lemurs, some big night monkeys, and so on. Big lemurs and manages to lemurs' for just a few days to weeks in dry season.猴子大多为杂食性,以植物为主,也不放弃唾手可得的肉食。

选择食物和取食方法各异,如指猴善于抠食树洞或石隙中的昆虫。猩猩的食量很大,几乎把绝大部分的活动时间用以觅食。疣猴科胃的构造特殊,大部分种类吃粗纤维多的植物性食物。Monkeys are omnivorous, with plants is given priority to, also don't give up easy meat. Different choice of food and feeding method, such as the aye-aye is good at picking feed on insects from tree holes or stone gap. Orangutan's appetite is big, almost put most of the time for foraging activities. Colobus monkey stomach the construction of the special, most kinds of crude fibre more plant-based foods.猴子每年繁殖1~2次,每胎1仔,少数可多到3仔。

幼体生长比较缓慢。哺乳期多抓爬在母体胸、腹部或骑在母背上,由母带着活动。性成熟的雌性有月经,雄性能在任何时间交配。只有低等猴类,如狐猴、懒猴、指猴具有一定的交配、繁殖季节。The monkey breeding 1 ~ 2 times a year, every child, a few more to 3. Larvae grow slowly. Lactation catch up in the mother's chest, abdomen, or on the back of the mother, by the parent with the activity. Sexual maturity female menstruation, the males to mate at any time. Only low monkeys, lemurs and lorises, refers to the monkey has a certain mating, breeding season.


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