

02月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于老龄化的初中英语作文90字]您好:The problem of old age is known as one of the most serious problem in today's world. The old people can be seen everywhere. As is shown in the graph, the nu...+阅读

Villages, beautiful scenery, fresh air, there occurred in rural interesting story.

Winter vacation this year, I went to the countryside, my father took me to his uncle's home New Year. I arrived it was lovely scenery attract. Rooster, hens, chicks on the grass playing. Hen mother what help the bird the chicks pecking body, what help the chick pecking body. Cock it, in that dominant, full of mettle big step forward, like a mighty emperor.

Not far from the flock, have two cows. Next to a cow, a calf. The cattle owners told me that this little calf born just seven days. I was taken aback: wow, this cow was born seven days so big! I want to touch the calf can not go past that big cow turned his head and stared at me, as if to say: Do not move! Otherwise top with horns! I was startled, cow Hudu how strongly you feel!

Back to Jiugong home, and saw that the building has two inside rarely appliances. I went to the kitchen to look, ah, strange, and the city is not the same. A big stove, above the three the Tai Hang put the three cauldron, the following six hole, firewood can be put to the hole. A chimney from the stove out into the roof.

Rural scenery is beautiful, the that heaven big tree stays in the sky, like a big umbrella. Aunt told me the summer when the trees will be habitat for a wide variety of birds, very lively. A river side of the big trees are also very clear, even a tree fall leaves are clearly visible, but unfortunately when I went it was winter, can not see the fish's shadow, or I will grab a few back.

Village, although not inside the city so many goods, electrical appliances, but it has the city beautiful scenery. Scenery and countryman the home merged into a lovely, natural landscapes.Nanda school to Wu Yutao


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