

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初三英语考试总结英语作文]1. I had an English test this week, unfortunately I didn't pass it. I am so repentant and regretfu about that. The reason why I didn't do the test well was that...+阅读

您好:The problem of old age is known as one of the most serious problem in today's world. The old people can be seen everywhere. As is shown in the graph, the number of people in the world over the age of sixty will have increased to 600 million by the end of this century. And by the time, there will also be twice as many people over the age of eighty. In the ten years between 1970 and 1980, there was a 23.7% increase in the number of people aged over sixty-five in the industrial world, and an even bigger increase of 38.2% in the developing world.

With the development of economy, the rise in people's living standards and the improvement of medical conditions, people are living longer and longer. Furthermore, birth rates are falling as the pace of population growth slows down. As a result, the number of old people in the world is experiencing an increase. Though the increase will cause manifold social and economic consequences, we can take effective measures to deal with it. So I believe a bright tomorrow for old people will be achieved through efforts of every person.






英语没考好反思600字关于此次英语考试不及格的问题,我在此递交英语考试不及格的检讨书,由此来深刻反省我的错误,向您做出如实保证,并且提出诚恳改正措施,最大程度地弥补错误。 回顾错误经过,我在上一...

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英语专八作文要怎么写您好,有如下一些句子:用于解释原因、分析影响: 1. Everybody knows that... 2. It can be easily proved that... 3. It is true that... 4. No one can deny that... 5. One t...

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