

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文铅笔盒里面的文具在争工谁的工劳大250字]例文 文具盒里的争吵 展开想象 假如有一天,你书包里的文具都 “活”了起来,他们之间会发生 什么有趣的故事呢?请你展开想 象,编一个有趣的童话。 续编童话 文具盒里住着一群快乐...+阅读

Advantages and Disadvantages

Dorm life inevitably leads to some of the highest highs and lowest lows of college life. You can throw a legendary party in your room one night (to celebrate getting an A on your essay) and then find yourself sleeping on the cold floor of the common area the next (because your roommate threw up on your bed).

Some of the pros of dorm life include:

* Academic success. Studies show that freshmen living in on-campus dorms do better academically than those who live in off-campus housing.

* Convenience. You're close to everything you need, including your lecture halls, the library, the cafeteria and the campus pub.

* Community. There's no easier way to make friends in college than by living in residence. Other students are never more than a 10-second walk out your door. Many college students look back on dorm shenanigans as some of their favorite memories of college.

Conversely, some of the cons are:

* Distractions. Though most students perform better academically, some have their grades suffer because they are unable to focus on their studies with everything that's going on around them. Dorms are rarely, if ever, quiet.

* Lack of privacy. There are always people around, and this may end up getting on your nerves. It's inevitable that the close proximity will cause some conflict and drama in your dorm.

* Theft. Many freshmen dorms have an open door policy. While this facilitates social interaction, it can also leave you vulnerable to theft. Tether your laptop to the wall or, better yet, store it in a locked safe whenever you aren't in your room.


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