
急!我大一的求一篇一百字左右的英语作文题目:my college

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以信心源于准备为素材写作文]信心 每个人都应该用有信心,如果一个人丧失了信心,就不会得到永恒的成功! 乒乓球世界冠军邓亚平说过这样一句话;“任何时候都要对自己、对生活充满信心!”也是,当自己遇到挫折时,只...+阅读

My college life

Early in senior high school, we

longed to be enrolled in a

university. Now ,the dream has

come true,I'm a qualified

college student.But when i set

foot in the campus,I found the

college life is different from the

past.We have settled



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