
我的大一生活英语作文 300字

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于准备的作文急求作文素材有关于准备话题作文处境记叙文]处境(记叙文) 朋友与妻子,两个孩子,还有女儿女婿,共同生活在一间小木屋里,局促的居住条件让朋友感到活不下去了,便来找我求救。 朋友对我说:“我们全家这么多人只有一间小木屋,整天争...+阅读



My Campus life

After the competitive college entrance examination, i'm luck enough to be a student in XX university. Actually, i spent my first year in my university very happily and meaningfully.

When i am on campus, i study very hard and finish my homework effectively. In fact, to be a helpful person, i will sometime help my classmates to overcome some difficult homework or items as well. Moreover, i also pay an attention on cultivating my soical professional skills, such as drive licence and the ability of computer software like Photoshop CAD etc. In addition, i will participant in some extra-curricular activities including some social volunteers declaims and announcements.

During our summer or winter vocation, i will find some intern job to rich my soical work experience. According to my major, i am interested in the field of XXX, that's why i always to find a job like XXX (HR/IT/engineer). In this period of time, i really began to master more practice experience and knowledge, and rich my spare time as well.

Furthermore, i also like to raise my hobbies such as travelling collecting joggling reading after my learning time. As a matter of fact, these hobbies also give me some opportunity to meet many different friends.

In summary, my campus life is very happy and enrich and i enjoy it in every munitues.




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