

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[3篇作文: 1用比喻的手法描写云的作文 2用动态静态去描写]天空,一个偌大无边的舞台,白云正在“上演”精彩的节目。 看,几朵云从远方飘过来了。最前面的一朵像一只绵羊,后面紧紧跟随一只大公鸡,它俩被一只没有尾巴的怪兽追赶着,样子显然有...+阅读

Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being' s progress. Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour's ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend' s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect. We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed.


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