

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[科技作文英文的]First,John von Neumann proposed that the program reside in the computer's memory where it could be changed at will.W.Presper Eckert,Jr.,of the University of Pen...+阅读

为你解答。现代科技使生活更加便捷(Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient) Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being' s progress. Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour's ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend' s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect. We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed. [译文] 现代科技使生活更加便捷 现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑。


现在,如果使用网络,一切就都是小菜一碟了。只要轻敲键盘,就会有求必应。 我们都期待着现代科技能达到一个更高的水平,因为现代科技确实使生活变得更便捷。


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求科技英语范文Microwave and our life This article is about the electromagnetic wave. For the cooking appliance, see Microwave oven. For other uses, see Microwaves (disambigua...

关于高科技的英语作文1)Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywh...


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