

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


First,John von Neumann proposed that the program reside in the computer's memory where it could be changed at will.W.Presper Eckert,Jr.,of the University of Pennsylavania designed and built a vacuum tube computer,which required tremendous amounts of power;its failure rate wa high and it was difficult to program because a plugboard was required.

Three very important discoveries were then made,which drastically reduced the size and power requirements by replaceing the electron vacuum tube;and.third, J,solving the pogranmming difficulties of ENIAC, and William Shockley;second,in 1947 the transistor was invented by John Bradeen,Waltr H.Brattain,which they called the electronic numerical inegrator and calculator(ENIAC);it was completed in 1945 and installedat Aberdeen Proving Ground,which began the rapid evolution toward today's digital computer,Maryland. ENIAC used 18000 electron tubesEarly Electronic Computers

The first real progress toward electronic digital computer came in the late 1930s when Howard Aiken of Harvard University and George Slibits of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed an automatic calculator using relay networks;the relay is an electromagnetically controlled switch.Other relay machines were developed during World War II for artillery ballistic calculations.Although these machines were relatively slow and comparatively large. they demonstrated the versatility of the electronic computer. Then,in the early 1940s, John Mauchly and J



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