

03月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[经典搞笑英语笑话双语]英语幽默小笑话:大生意A young businessman had just started his business, and rented a beautiful office. Sitting there, he saw a man e into the outer office. Wish...+阅读


A 24 year old boy seeing out from the trains window shouted


-Dad, look the trees are going behind!


Dad smiled and a young couple sitting nearby, looked at the 24 year olds childish behior with pity, suddenly he again exclaimed


-Dad, look the clouds are running with us!


The couple couldnt resist and said to the old man


-Why dont you take your son to a good doctor? The old man smiled and saidI did and we are just ing from the hospital, my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today.


Every single person on the pla has a story. Dont judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.



Joe, did you book your ticket yet? I asked.


No. I changed my mind. Im not going to go.


What? You arent going to Australia? Weve been planning this vacation for months!


Yeah, I dont feel like it. Well go some other time.


Over the ing weeks, I attempted to get my friend to reconsider, but to no ail. When Joe changed his mind, he changed his mind. Our trip to Australia our big post-college adventure was off. And none of my friends wanted to replace him. If I wanted to trel, it would he to be on my own.


Its a pattern that has repeated itself over the years. While a few people he joined me along the way. But when it es down to the wire, something always es up, theyre suddenly too busy, or they get cold feet and change their mind.


Its taught me that if I wait for others, Ill never go anywhere.


But there are places I want to go, people to see, experiences to he, and food to try and only so much time to acplish it all.


So I refuse to wait I wont let others keep me from realizing my dreams.


It can bescary treling alone especially when youve never done it before. But, to me, growing old without experiencing everything you want from life is scarier.


If youve been putting off a trip because youre waiting for someone to go with stop. Just go. Dont let others hold you back from your dreams. Trust me, along the way youll make plenty of friends from other solo trelers who thought Screw it, if I dont go, Ill never go to locals interested in meeting new people. Youre never alone when you trel.



More than that, solo trel gives you ultimate freedom. You wake up and its just you what you want, where you want, when you want. In that freedom and infinite space of possibility, you meet yourself. You hit the limits of what you like and dont like. Theres no one to pull you in any one direction or override your reasons. Want sushi? Get sushi. Want to lee? Lee. Want to try bungee jumping? Go for it.


Its sink or swim and you he to learn how to survive who to trust, how to make friends, how to find your way around alone. Thats the greatest reward of solo trel the personal growth. Each time you go away, you learn to bee a little more independent, confident, and in tune with your emotions and desires.


Solo trel is not for everyone. Some people return home soon after departing, others cry for weeks before embracing it, and some just embrace it right away. But youll never learn that if you dont trel once by yourself. Whether a weekend away, a two-week vacation or trip around the world, try it at least once.


Dont wait for people or hold back from living your dreams. You could be waiting a long time until someone finally says yes. Theres only now and if you dont go, youll regret it.


Because if I hadnt stopped waiting, Id still be in my cubicle, trying to convince Joe to go to Australia, and wondering if Id ever get to see the world.



Q ...

It has a quality difficult to explain and that which must be personally felt for one to genuinely appreciate its true nature ...

Q ...


U ...

It has an understanding nature in that it blankets itself around you and forts you and nurtures you in that private moment when you are with just yourself ...

U ...


I ...

It ignites a special place inside of you that can create and develop any internal ideas that only you can give birth to when you are alone ...

I ...


E ...

It enhances our understanding and appreciation of the endless possibilities as we contemplate on the real meaning of our lives and how we should live them...

E ...


T ...

It offers tranquility to just be in the moment and to absorb oneself in this being and to be mindful of it throughout ...

T ...



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