

05月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[The Ruby Prince]The Ruby PrinceOnce upon a time a poor Brahman was walking along a dusty road, when he saw something sparkling on the ground. On picking it up, it turned out t...+阅读

“prince”的意思是王子、亲王。 prince: 英 [prɪns]  美 [prɪns] n. (名词) [C]王子,亲王 a son or other near male relation of king or queen [C]小国的君主 a ruler of a small country [S]巨头,巨子 a very great, successful, or powerful man of the stated kind 例句: 1.The magician metamorphosed the frog into a prince. 魔术师把青蛙变成了王子。 2.The prince remained loyal throughout. 王子自始至终忠贞不渝。 3.Prince Charles was invested as Prince of Wales in 1969. 查尔斯王子於1969年受封为威尔士亲王。 4.His Highness Prince Charles will attend the meeting. 查尔斯亲王殿下将出席本次会议。


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The Bear PrinceThe Bear Prince Once upon a time there was a very poor woodcutter who had three beautiful daughters. Of the three girls, the youngest was the most beautiful. On...

Prince RingPrince Ring Once upon a time... Once upon a time there was a King and his Queen in their kingdom. They had one daughter, who was called Ingib, and one son, whos...

Prince DarlingPrince Darling Once upon a time... There lived a king who was so just and kind that his subjects called him "the Good King." It happened one day, when he was ou...

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pk是什么意思?PK是什么意思如果要评选2005年度最热门词汇,PK想必会光荣上榜,这都要归功于今年夏天湖南电视台刮的“超女”风,让PK一词随之家喻户晓。 PK的意思就是选手面对面的单挑独斗,站上PK台,对决双方...

袖手旁观是什么意思?不知所措是什么意思【解释】:把手笼在袖子里,在一旁观看。比喻置身事外,既不过问,也不协助别人。 【出自】:唐·韩愈《祭柳子厚文》:“不善为斫,血指汗颜,巧匠旁观,缩手袖间。”宋·苏轼《朝辞赴定州论...


秘什么意思密什么意思意与义各是什么意思秘是秘奥之义,是形容法门之深奥;密是隐密,言其法不随便公开示人。 又,术语)秘密之法藏也。甚深秘奥,唯为佛与佛之境界,非凡常所可了知之法门,故曰密。又如来能护念深法,苟非其器,则秘...
