在拜读Roger Dawson的关于谈判技巧的大作”Ask for More Than You Expect to Get”,看到这样一句话,What concerns
me is that when you’re involved in a negotiation, you are inadvertently creating deadlocks, because you don’t he the courage to ask for more than you expect to get. 感觉inadvertently这个词非常面熟,但是一时又想不起具体的意思。这个词我应该碰过不下五次了,一直感觉不亲切也不好记。Inadvertently,in表示否定,相反的意思,不再话下,tently构成副词,亦不必深究,关键是要搞清楚adver的意思。看看了,觉得像advise和advertise,如何和前者考(试大组合起来,就是未被告知地,不知情地;如果和后者组织起来,advertise的语源我还记得,是to give attention,那么组合起来就是没注意地,两个组合的意思看起来差不多啊。。。 于是我查看了inadvertently的语源,觉得最后出来的结果因为和我猜测的差不多。
上面是这样解释的:inadvertently.1678, lit. "inattentively," hence "unintentionally;" ult. from inadvertence (1568), from Scholastic L. inadvertentia, from in- "not" + advertentia, from L. advertere "to direct one’s attention to," lit. "to turn toward" (see advertise).
原来是advertise,是in- "not" + advertentia-"to direct one’s attention to,"且看它是怎么解释advertise的advertise
c.1430, "to take notice of," from M.Fr. advertiss-, prp. stem of a(d)vertir "to warn," from L. advertere "turn toward," from ad- "toward" + vertere "to turn" see versus). Original sense remains in advert "to give attention to." Sense of advertise shifted to "give notice to others, warn" (1490) by influence of advertisement, which meant "public notice (of anything, but often of a sale)" by c.1460. The modern, mercial meaning was fully developed by 18c.
广告就是要吸引人的注意力,让人“转过身去看”。 那么,这样一来,inadvertently的意思就很好理解了。Not to direct one’s attention to 且看牛津的解释
adv by accident; unintentionally 偶然地; 非故意地; 无意地: She inadvertently telephoned the wrong person. 她无意中打错了电话.
In a panic, I inadvertently pushed the accelerator instead of the brake.
The construction crew inadvertently cut through a telephone cable.
The Finance Minister inadvertently revealed budget secrets to reporters.
The problem was caused by a worker who inadvertently contaminated the coffee machine by cleaning it with a toxic substance.
Sentences from books, newspapers, etc.
But inadvertently, through the inventions its findings make possible.
By the way, I really must correct a false impression that I inadvertently ge just now.
In creating one she has inadvertently made a move towards alternative methods of selling that could he great significance for anic farming.
Of course it was Trondur who inadvertently cheered me up.
Some parenting patterns inadvertently support aggressive behior in more subtle ways.
Strong repression of one emotion often succeeds inadvertently in suppressing the desire as well.
This could inadvertently promote a simplistic zoning pattern in local authority policies
As they passed, Tschaikovsky inadvertently looked up and straight into the eyes of Madame von Meck.
Inadvertently the paper added a ma to the ad, which read instead:"Horse, saddle and bridle for $50."
If you write to me and don’t get a reply within a week, write again, I sometimes,inadvertently, loose a few letters.
All journal authors, if inadvertently violated your copyright, please write and tell judge will delete three working days.
A health care anization could face significant litigation if health care records were inadvertently released or stolen.
如果卫生保健院的记录数据因疏忽而被公开或者被盗,那么该院可能面临严重的诉讼。 我想这样我再也不会忘记这个单词的意思了,而且会在今后inadvertently用用它,消化他。
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