[取一个好听的英文名]宝宝爸爸姓梁,妈妈姓吴,是个男宝宝,于2007年12月5日(公历)上午9点24分出生在湖南省怀化,想给宝宝取一个好听的英文名作为小名,不知道应注意哪些方面.请高手指点一下. 一个好名...+阅读
Come on/ my little Mavis/do some exercises with grandpa
Three for left/three for right/
Early to bed and early to rise/let's be sporty
Shake your hands/shake your legs
Take some deep breath/sing and dance like your grandpa
So that you won't get old
Smile and smile
Kind to people and easy to happiness
(Hey grandpa/it's easy to say/it's hard to get up early in the morning)
Fewer snacks and more water/咕噜咕噜
You'll be the most energetic one.
Three for left/three for right
Bend your neck/shake your butt
Early to bed and early to rise/let's be sporty
Take some deep breath/sing and dance like my grandpa
So that I won't get old, either.
Kind to people and easy to happiness
You're getting prettier and prettier/they all say 'nice nice'
Wash your hands before dine/gargle after dine
Easy to be happy for the healthy
Three for left/three for right
Bend your neck/shake your butt
Early to bed and early to rise/let's be sporty
Take some deep breath/sing and dance like my grandpa
we won't get old
如何用英文翻译姓名翻译惯例是“名从主人”,也就是使用人家惯用的拉丁化方法来写姓名。假如是中国大陆地区的,就是用汉语拼音,按照汉语拼音的拼写规范来写,如: 张三 = Zhang San 陈小明 = Chen Xiao...
英文姓名的格式一:姓在前,名在后,姓和名分开写,姓和名的开头字母均大写,注意不要把名字分开。如: 单姓单字:蔺相如-Lin Xiangru 复姓单字:司马迁-Sima Qian 二:名在前,姓在后,姓和名分开写,姓和名的开...
急英文字母都象什么大A小塔尖尖坐,小a有个小尾巴 大B两个胖面包,小b是个右凳子 大C爱用右耳朵,小c是大C的弟弟 大D一个胖面包,小d是个左凳子 大E三齿右梳子,小e有个弯尾巴 大F两齿右梳子,小f翘个小脑...
爱心树绘本故事作者英文名关于您的问题,结合百科可得:谢尔·希尔弗斯坦,男,美国人,外文名称:Sheldon Alan Silverstein, 1932年9月25日出生于美国芝加哥,1999年5月9日逝世。是一位享誉世界的艺术天才,集诗人...
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文静瘦弱的小男生求英文名就几个就ok谢Paul 还可以,比较适合瘦弱的小男孩。 Cheney采尼,法语意为『橡树林的人』。 Chris为CHRISTIAN,CHRISTOPHER的简写。CHRIS给人的印象是外表清爽,标致的美国男孩、聪明、可爱又有...
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