According to the description of IEEE, local area network LAN technology is that scattered in a building or adjacent buildings in the computer terminal, with a mass storage peripheral devices, controllers, displays, as well as connect to other networks The use of the network connectors have been linked to high speed communication means.Clearly, from the physical sense, the corporate network is a LAN. Enterprise campus network as a LAN in the enterprise application has its specific meaning and application areas, summed up in a typical application, four aspects: first, business network services, learning activities for employees, is a learning tool. She not only between students and other communication tools, but also a provider of learning resources, help enterprises to explore learning and collaborative learning. Second, the enterprise network services for research activities, such as providing information resources, participate in staff re-learning activities. Third, the enterprise network services for enterprise management, auxiliary enterprises, such as records management staff, personnel management, financial management. Fourth, the business network is the communication business with the outside window, using her access to both kinds of information from outside the enterprise, all kinds of information can also be made public. In summary, we can define the enterprise network: An enterprise activities and management activities of foreign exchange services to the enterprise LAN environment. And it is constructed on modern multimedia technology and network technology and the Internet connection on. Key words: enterprise local area network; network formation; Website
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