[急求桥梁加固论文摘要翻译]Along with the bridge service life's growth as well as bridge load's day-by-day enlargement, our country many bridges presented the breakage, therefore how stud...+阅读
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Continuous rigid-frame bridge is one of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge, generally using cross-section girders. Continuous rigid-frame structure can cross, also can be adopted to loosen, the edge across a continuous rigid-frame structure, bearing beam system. Continuous rigid-frame bridge spanning capacity, the difficulty in construction, maintenance, ShuShun driving, low cost, simple in design of long-span prestressed concrete bridge, this bridge is preferred
The design for the span of 55 + 100 + 55m 9m wide, bridge, divided into two lanes of continuous rigid-frame bridge. Main construction method of the cantilever construction. Design process as follows: firstly, the main structure and details of the girder determine size, design USES box beam, the height of a parabolic girder bridge, using the change, the second computer software dr structure analysis. To estimate the number of longitudinal prestressed steel beam and decorate prestressed. Again, the calculation and the resultant loss of prestress, times. Then the intensity checking further section.
Keywords: prestressed concrete continuous rigid-frame structure of the bridge, the cantilever construction method, the resultant
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