

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com


Flint Lockwood:This will change the world, I am very excited, I feel that I soon can not control their own emotions.

Sam:Listen, This is just the beginning, there is a lot of things to do in the future.



闪电狗:Bolt:"There will be danger."

Rhino:"I eat danger for breakfast!"

Bolt:"Are you hungry?"

Rhino:"[cracks neck] Starving!"





Bolt:"Easy won't be part of the equation."


Flint Lockwood:I think that we do will be successful!

Sam:You are very hopefulness.

Flint Lockwood:People always want to lead an active life, and is not it?





里面的部分台词:Oh,my gosh. I am so sorry. Are you okay?I didn't get a chance to...It's okay, It's just pain.Sorry, I'm not myself today.My whole career was ruined by some cray jerk riding a homemade roket.Wait a minute.What is going on with your feet?Spray-On shoes. They don't come off.Cool.This could solve the untied shoes epidemic.What are they made of, some kind of elastic biopolymer adhesive?Yeah.Exactly.I mean...Wow, they're shiny. I'm Sam. Flint.Steve.Is that a Monkey Thought Translator?Steve.Incredible. Did you make all of this stuff?You hit me with a roket.You kickedme in the face.I said I was sorry.Do you know how hard it is to break into the weather game?I spent my entire life building up to that moment.You get one shot at the show.And if you don't make it......it's back to cleaning the barometers.Cheese?But that could only mean...Excited. Excited.My machine works.It really works!Your machine?is that what the roket was?Do you like it?I love it!This is just amazing. Look at this.This is the greatest weather phenomenon in history.Hey, aren't you a weathergirl?Manny, get your camera!This just in:Our humiliated weather intern is apparently back for more.Thanks, Patrick. Okay, everybody, you are not gonna believe this one......but I'm standing in the middle of a burger rain.You may have seen a meteor shower......but you've never seen a shower meatier than this.For a town stuck eating sardines,this is totally manna from heaven.This tastes significantly better than sardines.This is going to be big.This food weather was created intentionally......by meek-ish backyard tinker Flint Lockwood.Flint Lockwood?Hi.You're under arrest for ruining Sardine Land.Flint, those burgers were awsome.The producer called and he was like, "Everybody loves that food weather." Food weather.What?This could be bigger than Sardine Land.Can you make it rain food again?No.I don't know if I...You're gonna do it again?You gota be kidding.Please, please, please.Yes.No.

天降美食2里的歌词life is so much better

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求隐婚男女中的经典台词1、崔民国跟张静怡离婚时,崔说:“老婆,发生任何事也不是你不好,是我不够了解你,因为我承诺过,无论如何也要让你快乐,我只想让你知道,到最后,我还是听你的。。。” 2、只有失去了最爱...


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