

02月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[加拿大留学有哪些美食]第一道美食:煎三文鱼 加拿大留学留学生可能听说过加拿大有一道美食叫"枫糖煎三文鱼":三文鱼先用胡椒、玉桂粉腌了煎熟,配上绵绵的薯蓉和蔬菜丝,然后再淋上枫糖而成。鱼肉的鲜美加...+阅读

不设烟酒 对中国人来讲,不论是家里还是到酒店宴请朋友,一般都离不开烟酒,否则就有怠慢之嫌。然而,在加拿大请客吃饭则都不设烟酒。因为,在加拿大有禁烟规定,并且必须年满16岁以上者方可购买香烟。在联邦政府大楼、电梯、银行、商店、学校及多数公共场所吸烟都是违法的。 如发现有人在酒楼、餐馆吸烟不加制止或者是纵容其吸烟,可能会被处以5000加元罚款。对酒也是如此,如阿尔伯塔省规定,19岁以上者方可买烟,而烈性白酒则被禁止出卖。另外,餐厅、酒吧只可在早上11时到凌晨1时卖酒,饮酒者只能在领有酒牌的地方或住宅内喝酒,在这些地方以外饮酒都是违法的。 不吃热食 加拿大留学生生活中,热食是中国饮食文化的一大特色,一般是现烧现炒趁热吃,弄几碟冷盘,也只是供饮酒用。

而加拿大人喜欢吃冷食,这种冷食不同于我们的冷盘菜肴,一般是由主人先将各式菜肴烧好,用碗、盘、碟等器皿盛好后,依次将各式菜肴摆在厨房内的餐桌上,待客人到齐后,供客人享用。 因为菜肴烧得比较早,时间一长,也就成了凉菜,加拿大人称之为“冷餐宴会”。 不排桌席 在加拿大,加拿大留学生要明白:宴请是不安排桌席的。通常是客人们手拿一次性塑料餐盒和叉子,一个个排在摆满饭菜的台前,然后自己动手随意先取食物,最后自找地方用餐。 因为不排桌席,所以客人们取好饭菜后,各奔东西,有坐有站,随随便便,无拘无束。如自感腹中没有吃饱,还可以再去取食。 留学小贴士 :加拿大留学,了解节日习俗也是很有用处的,这样能够更好的熟悉加拿大文化,更快的融入加拿大的生活。



不吃热食 热食是中国饮食文化的一大特色,一般是现烧现炒趁热吃,弄几碟冷盘,也只是供饮酒用。而加拿大人喜欢吃冷食,这种冷食不同于我们的冷盘菜肴,一般是由主人先将各式菜肴烧好,用碗、盘、碟等器皿盛好后,依次将各式菜肴摆在厨房内的餐桌上,待客人到齐后,供客人享用。因为菜肴烧得比较早,时间一长,也就成了凉菜,加拿大人称之为“冷餐宴会”。 不排桌席 加拿大留学生生活期间,宴请是不安排桌席的。通常是客人们手拿一次性塑料餐盒和叉子,一个个排在摆满饭菜的台前,然后自己动手随意先取食物,最后自找地方用餐。因为不排桌席,所以客人们取好饭菜后,各奔东西,有坐有站,随随便便,无拘无束。如自感腹中没有吃饱,还可以再去取食。


the history of britain has played a large part in it's traditions, it's culture - and it's food. the romans for instance brought us cherries, stinging nettles ( to be used as a salad vegetable), cabbages and peas, as well as improving the cultivation of crops such as corn. and they brought us wine! the romans were prolific road builders, these roads allowing for the first time the easy transportation of produce throughout the country. the saxons were excellent farmers and cultivated a wide variety of herbs. these were not used just for flavour as they are today but were used as bulk to pad out stews. the vikings and danes brought us the techniques for smoking and drying fish - even today the north east coasts of england and scotland are the places to find the best kippers - arbroath smokies, for example. "collops" is an old scandinavian word for pieces or slices of meat, and a dish of collops is traditionally served on burns night (25th january) in scotland. york ham is a great favourite with the british housewife. the first york ham is said to have been smoked with the sawdust of oak trees used in the building of york minster.the normans invaded not only our country but also our eating habits! they encouraged the drinking of wine and even gave us words for common foods - mutton (mouton) and beef (boeuf) for example. in the 12th century the crusaders were the first britons to taste oranges and lemons whilst in jaffa in 1191-2.britain has always been a great trading nation. saffron was first introduced into cornwall by the phoenicians at a very early date when they first came to britain to trade for tin. derived from the dried and powdered stigmas of the saffron crocus, saffron is still used today in british cooking. the importation of foods and spices from abroad has greatly influenced the british diet. in the middle ages, wealthy people were able to cook with spices and dried fruits from as far away as asia. it has been said however that the poor people were lucky to eat at all!in tudor times, new kinds of food started to arrive due to the increase in trade and the discovery of new lands. spices from the far east, sugar from the caribbean, coffee and cocoa from south america and tea from india. potatoes from america began to be widely grown. eccles cakes evolved from puritan days when rich cakes and biscuits were banned.turkeys were bred almost exclusively in norfolk up until the 20th century. in the 17th century, turkeys were driven from norfolk to the london markets in great flocks of 500 birds or more. their feet were sometimes bandaged to protect them. upon arrival in london, they had to be fattened up for several days before market.the growth of the empire brought new tastes and flavours - kedgeree, for example, is a version of the indian dish khichri and was first brought back to britain by members of the east india company. it has been a traditional dish at the british breakfast table since the 18th and 19th centuries.nowadays you can sample cuisines from all around the world - chinese, indian, italian, french, american, spanish, thai, etc., reflecting the ethnic diversity of britain today as well as the modern ease of travel. some would even claim 'curry' to be a traditional british dish - although it bears little resemblance to the curries to be found in india!so what is british cuisine? roast beef and yorkshire pudding, steak and kidney pie, trifle - these are the dishes that everyone associates with britain. but like the country of britain which is constantly changing and evolving, so is british food, and whilst today these dishes are 'traditionally british', in the future perhaps dishes such as the british curry will join them!望采纳。


加拿大有哪些饮食文化加拿大饮食习惯 加拿大是一个移民国家,拥有丰富多彩的饮食文化。其中,“三不”饮食文化别有一番情趣。 不设烟酒 对中国人来讲,不论是家里还是到酒店宴请朋友,一般都离不开烟酒,...




不良的饮食习惯有哪些1、饮食无规律 不良的饮食习惯和生活方式,可能会引起脂肪代谢紊乱、内分泌异常;晚餐摄入大量的高能食物,过剩的营养转化成脂肪,导致肥胖。可实行一日三餐或四餐制,定时定量,分配合...

留学加拿大饮食习惯是怎样的首先,是加拿大人不喜欢吃热食。 加拿大人宴请客人,喜欢把饭菜先炒熟,拿出来等着客人这样在客人到来后,菜都凉了,因此,在加拿大,大多数情况下迟到的都是冷食。 其次,是吸烟的规定。...


孕妇常见错误饮食习惯有哪些一、错误的饮食搭配 有的菜肴美味可口、鲜艳诱人、令人垂涎,但是有的看似色香味俱全,或者我们已经习惯的饮食搭配却是可以引起中毒或不良反应的,严重的还可致命。 1。鸡肉和芝...

饮食习惯有哪些误区呢人体摄取营养就像培育花木一样,阳水、水分、土壤、施肥、除草等缺一不 可,只有营养全面、均衡,各方面条件适宜,才能花繁叶茂。人生病的原因有很 多,饮食不当是其中的一个重要因素...
