

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[男女取名有讲究盘点霸气的英文名都有哪些]给孩子取名,对于大多数的家庭来说,是个难以决择的事情。长辈们见议以祖宗辈分来取,这样就是家族的延续了;然而年轻的家长们则认为那样的名字比较土气,没有新意,不够流行。 所以,现...+阅读

The topic we are discussing today is eating habit. A good eating habit directly affects one's health. However, there are various reason that stop from people from forming a healthy eating habit.


1.what's the reason that cause people cannot maintain a good eating habit.

2. Do you know what is junk food?

3. Do you always eat junk food? Why? Is it due to lack of time?

4. what is your favourite food? Why?

5. Do you prefer to eat food with rich nutrition or simply delicious food?

6. Do you have a good eating habit? How is it like?

Dialogue with waiters

Excuse me, this is the food you've ordered.

Do you like the food?

Do you want some drinks?

Please wait a minute.

I am sorry. I will change for you immediately.

Please do not be angry.

I will inform my restaurant manager and he will deal with it.

Our price is indeed reasonable and we would give you 20% discount.


Do you see this? There is hair in the dish. This is so disgusting! Get me another new dish please.

Do you give discounts for the food?



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