

09月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大班家长会发言稿3]大班家长会发言稿 尊敬的各位家长: 大家晚上好,每学期的家长会又见面了,很感谢各位家长在百忙中抽空来参加我班的家长会,首先衷心地感谢你们一直以来对我们工作的理解和支持,这...+阅读

Five little pumpkinsFive little pumpkins sitting on gate,The first one said ,oh ,my it's getting late. The second one said, "there are witches in the air." The third one said, but we don't care.The fourth said, let's run and run and run.The fifth one said, I am ready for some fun.Ooooh ,with the wind and out with light.And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Here we e a-carolingHere we e a-caroling, among the lees so green.Here we e a-wandering, so fair to be seen.Love and joy e to you. And to you glad christmas too. And god bless you and send you a happy new year.And god send you a happy new year.Here we e a-caroling, among the lees so green.Here we e a-wandering, so fair to be seen.Love and joy e to you. And to you glad christmas too. And god bless you and send you a happy new year.And god send you a happy new year.

Ali baba's farmAli Baba he has a little farm, on his farm he has some little lambs.Baa baa, cry his little lambs, on the farm of Ali Ba-ba.Ali Baba he has a little farm, on his farm he has some little cows.Moo, moo, cry his little cows, on the farm of Ali Ba-ba.Ali Baba he has a little farm, on his farm he has some little pigsoink, oink, cry his little pigs, on the farm of Ali Ba-ba.

All the little pretty horseHush-a-bye, don't you cry, go to sleepy little baby.When you wake, you shall he ,all the pretty little horses.Blacks and bays, dapples and grays.Coach and six-a- little horse.Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, go to sleepy little baby.Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, go to sleepy little baby.When you wake, you shall he ,all the pretty little horses.Blacks and bays, dapples and grays.Coach and six-a- little horse.Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, go to sleepy little baby.

My bonnieMy bonnie lies over the ocean, my bonnie lies over the sea.My bonnie lies over the ocean, oh ,bring back my bonnie to me.bring back, bring back, bring back my bonnie to me, to me.bring back, bring back, oh,bring back my bonnie to me.

My aunt came backMy aunt came back from old Japan,And she brought with her a big hand fan.My aunt came back from Holland , too,And she brought with her a wooden shoeMy aunt came back from Niagara falls.And she brought with her a ping -pong ballMy aunt came back from New York FairAnd she brought with her a rocking-chair.Oh, SusannaI e from Alabama with my banjo with me.I'm going Louisiana there my true love for to seeOh, Susanna, oh ,don't you cry for meFor I e from Alabama with my banjo with me.It rained all night the day I left the weather it was dry.The sun so hot I froze to death, Susanna don't you cryOh, Susanna, oh ,don't you cry for meFor I e from Alabama with my banjo with me.

Silent nightSilent night, holy night,all is calm,all is bright.Round yon virgin, mother and child,Holy infant so tender and mild. Sleep in heenly peace, Sleep in heenly peaceSilent night, holy night, shepherds quake at the sight.Glories stream from the heen afar, heenly hosts sing Alleluia,Christ, the Sior, is born. Christ, the sior, is born.

Simple SimonSimple Simon met a pie man going to the fair.Said simple Simon to the pie man, let me taste your ware.Says the man to simple Simon, do you mean to pay,Says Simon: yes , of course I do, and then he run away.

Who stole the cookies from the cookies jarWho stole the cookies from the cookies jar?Cindy stole the cookies from the cookies jar,Who me? Yes, you! Not me, Then who?Linda stole the cookies from the cookies jar,Who me? Yes, you! Not me, Then who?Sally stole the cookies from the cookies jar,Who me? Yes, you! Not me, Then who?

Yankee doodleYankee doodle went to town riding on a ponyStuck a feather in his hat,and called it macaroniYankee doodle keep it up,Yankee doodle dandy.Mind the music and steps, and with the girl be handy.

Do you know the maffin man Oh,Do you know the maffin man the maffin man ,the maffin man Oh,Do you know the maffin man That lives on drury laneOh, yes I know the maffin man ,the maffin man ,the maffin man Oh, yes I know the maffin man ,That lives on drury laneOh , yes we know the muffin man the maffin man ,the maffin man Oh , yes we know the muffin man That lives on drury lane

If you are happyIf you are happy and you know it clap your hands,If you are happy and you know it clap your hands,If you are happy and you know, and you really want to show it,If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet,If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet,If you are happy and you know, and you really want to show it,If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet,If you are happy and you know it say OK,If you are happy and you know it say OK,If you are happy and you know, and you really want to show it,If you are happy and you know it say OK.

The bear went over the mountainThe bear went over the mountainThe bear went over the mountainThe bear went over the mountainTo see what he could see.To see what he could see.To see what he could see.The other side of the mountainThe other side of the mountainThe other side of the mountainWas all that he could see

The familyThis is mama, kind and dear. This is papa , standing nearThis is brother , see how tall, this is sister not so tall.This is baby , sweet and small,these the family one and all.


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